96000 Avios: 960 Euro

Im Haus, Fenster, Wand, Platane Flugzeug Hobel

Iberia bietet gerade eine schöne Möglichkeit günstig Avios zu kaufen. Wir übertragen Avios mit einem Bonus und kaufen so die Meilen …


Level: Medium

Iberia Plus bietet gerade beim Transfer von Avios zwischen Accounts einen 50% Bonus. Der Transfer ist gestaffelt. Die beste Variante ist der Übertrag von 6 000 Avios.

Account A: 6 000 Avios zu Account B: 6 000 Avios + 3 000 Avios Bonus: 30 Euro

Beide Iberia Accounts müssen aktiv sein und 90 Tage existieren. Die Gültigkeit des Iberia Plus Accounts stellt man durch irgendeine Punkte-Aktivität her. Der Transfer von 1 SPG Punkt zählt. Irgendeine Iberia Promotion funktioniert auch. Der Kauf eines ITunes Liedes fällt mir auch ein.

Man kauft also so bei jedem 6 000 Meilentransfer 3 000 Avios. Das Limit liegt bei Übertragungen liegt bei 144 000 Meilen pro Jahr. D. h. pro Account können wir das 16-mal durchführen und kassieren so 48 000 Avios um 480 Euro beim anderen Account. Natürlich überweisen wir die Meilen immer wieder auch zurück. Reizt man es vollkommen aus komm man auf 96 000 Avios für 960 Euro.

Die Bedingungen:

“A customer can transfer Avios from his or her account (the “issuer”) to the account of another customer (the “recipient”).
The issuer can transfer a total of 144,000 Avios within any one calendar year, with the maximum amount of 24,000 Avios per transaction.
The issuer can only transfer Avios to one recipient per transaction.
The recipient of Avios can only receive a maximum of 144,000 Avios in any calendar year in total, regardless of the number of issuers.
Avios are transferred immediately and can be used by the recipient as soon as they appear in his or her account. There may be times when there is a slight delay. Check the details in the “balance and movements” section in your Iberia.com customer area or ask your local service centre.
Avios can only be transferred from the Iberia.com customer area using the Avios-transfer request form.
All payments must be made in euros.
The issuer will need to know the recipient’s full name, email address and Iberia Plus card number to be able to transfer Avios. The issuer and recipient will receive an email once the transfer has been completed.
Once the transfer has been made, the transaction cannot be reverted and the Avios cannot be put back into the issuer’s account except via the Avios-transfer process, so long as Iberia Plus accepts the transfer of the Avios back into the issuer’s account.
The purchase of Avios does not automatically generate Avios in itself and they cannot be returned or cancelled once the customer has confirmed the purchase order.
The issuer and the recipient must both have been Iberia Plus cardholders for more than 3 months or have an Avios balance higher than 0.
The year for transferring Avios starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.
The transfer of Avios cannot leave the issuer’s account in the red. Only Avios from the issuer’s real balance can be transferred.
The purchaser should not seek and the recipient should not offer any type of payment for Avios. This, or any other use of Avios not accepted by the terms and conditions, will constitute a breach of said terms and conditions on the part of the customer. If any inconsistent activity occurs, Iberia Plus reserves the right to unilaterally remove the customer from the Programme at any time.
As established in the Iberia Plus Programme’s Basic General Conditions (point I.5), the Programme reserves the right to withdraw cards and cancel the Avios accounts and any reservations involving charges to Avios from customers who make undue or fraudulent use of the Programme.
The Iberia Plus Programme reserves the right to set the conditions to access the Transfer of Avios applicable to both the issuer and the recipient in accordance with the customer profile. These conditions may vary depending on Programme requirements.”

Diese Avios müssen natürlich nicht bei Iberia verbleiben. Wir können sie locker auch zu British Airways Executive Club überweisen. Man kann über diesen Weg natürlich auch Avios für dieses Vorhaben vom British Airways Executive Account holen: AVIOS zwischen British Airways und Iberia transferieren – KURZANLEITUNG

Mir fällt sofort eine tolle Verwendung ein! Warum nicht Cathay Pacific von Hong Kong nach London? Die Steuern und Gebühren sind bei Flügen abgehend von Hong Kong vernachlässigbar.

Beispiel Cathay Pacific First Hong Kong – London: 90000 Avios + € 592.19 Steuern und Gebühren (= Cash&Points bei British Airways Executive Club)
11.12. Cathay Pacific 777 First 01:00 Hong Kong – 06:20 London Heathrow

Mehr dazu: Cathay Pacific 777-300 First Hong Kong (HKG) – London (LHR)



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