Es gibt jetzt Details zum Hyatt Lifetime Globalist Status. Mit diesem Super-Top-Tier-Status sollte man nie wieder in einem normalen Zimmer schlafen müssen …
Hyatt hat heute die Terms&Conditions zu World of Hyatt angepasst und Infos über den Lifetime Globalist Status damit veröffentlicht. Schauen wir uns die Details mal kurz an:
1.) Lifetime Diamonds werden Lifetime Globalist
2.) 1 000 000 Base Points = Lifetime Globalist
Da hat sich nicht viel geändert. Achtung: Base Points sind die Punkte ohne Promotions! Pro USD gibt es 5 Base Points. D. h. man benötigt einen Umsatz von 200 000 USD für den Lifetime Globalist. Eine Mindestlaufzeit gibt es scheinbar nicht mehr (oder fehlt in dieser Version der Geschäftsbedingungen).
3.) Lifetime Globalist erhalten alle Globalist Vorteile
Es gibt die 4 Upgrade Voucher, die kostenlose Nacht in Kategorie 1-7 und Zugang zu My Hyatt Concierge.
4.) Zusätzliche Voucher
Erreicht man Lifetime Globalist gibt es ein erneutes Set von 4 Upgrade Voucher und eine kostenlose Nacht in Kategorie 1-7. Erreicht man innerhalb eines Jahres als Lifetime Globalist 60 Nächte, erhält man nochmals eine kostenlose Nacht Kategorie 1-7 und 4 Upgrade Voucher in Suiten.
Die neuen Geschäftsbedingungen für den Lifetime Globalist Status:
„(a) Requirements To Earn Lifetime Globalist Status
1. Hyatt Gold Passport Lifetime Diamond Members. Members in good standing of the Hyatt Gold Passport program who have “Lifetime Diamond” status will receive Lifetime Globalist status in the Program as of the Effective Date of these Terms.
2. One Million Base Points. Members in good standing who earn at least one million (1,000,000) Base Points over the course of their Program membership will receive Globalist status for the remainder of that Member’s natural life or until the Program is terminated (or the Member’s membership is terminated) in accordance with these Terms, whichever occurs first. A Member’s lifetime point earning will carry over from the Hyatt Gold Passport program to the World of Hyatt Program, as long as the Member’s account remains active. Points that a Member earned under the Hyatt Gold Passport program by paying for eligible room rates, eligible incidental charges, or eligible non-stay charges will be considered Base Points for the purpose of calculating progress toward Lifetime Globalist status. Points earned or received by any other means under the Hyatt Gold Passport program (including any points awarded through point bonuses given to members with elite status, points provided to a member by Hyatt customer service, points earned through the Hyatt Credit Card or by holding qualifying meetings or events, points that were purchased or received by transfer or gift, and points earned through a promotional offer) will not be considered Base Points. Please allow approximately seven (7) business days from the checkout date of the stay or the completion of the transaction through which you surpass the one-million-Base Point threshold for Lifetime Globalist status to be applied to your membership.
(b) Benefits. Members with Lifetime Globalist status (each a “Lifetime Globalist”) will receive all of the benefits of Globalist status, as set forth in the “Globalist Status” section above, except as expressly modified here:
Pursuant to these Terms, certain awards and benefits are provided to Members only upon the Member earning a minimum number Base Points or completing a minimum number of Tier-Qualifying Nights during a Calendar Year. Lifetime Globalists will receive the following awards and benefits described in this Appendix C without the need to satisfy a minimum annual Base Point earning or Tier-Qualifying Night threshold:
(i) Four (4) Complimentary Suite Upgrade Awards annually;
(ii) One (1) Category 1-7 Free Night Award annually; and
(iii) Access to a dedicated My Hyatt Concierge agent.
A Lifetime Globalist will receive his or her four (4) Complimentary Suite Upgrade Awards and one (1) Category 1-7 Free Night Award each year on or around March 1st (or whenever Hyatt processes elite membership status renewals and changes for the preceding year). (In the Calendar Year when a Member satisfies the one million Base Point requirement and becomes new Lifetime Globalist, that Member will instead receive his or her four (4) Complimentary Suite Upgrade Awards and one (1) Category 1-7 Free Night Award at the time (s)he becomes Lifetime Globalist.) If a Lifetime Globalist completes sixty (60) Tier-Qualifying Nights or earns one hundred thousand (100,000) Base Points in a Calendar Year, (s)he will earn a second Category 1-7 Free Night Award and a second set of four (4) Complimentary Suite Upgrade Awards for that year.“
Letztlich eine coole Sache. Man bekommt echt viele Upgrade Voucher geschenkt und sollte nicht mehr in einem Zimmer schlafen müssen! Suite Hurraahh!