Bis 25% Rabatt bei IHG (Asien, Afrika, Middle East)

draußen, Mobiliar, Himmel, Schattierung, Tisch, Regenschirm, Baum, Außentisch, Hinterhof, Außenmöbel, Sonnenliege, Gebäude, Urlaubsort, Wasser, Kaffeetisch, Stuhl, Deck, Küstenerholungsort, Gartenlaube, Veranda, Strand, Urlaub, Gelände

IHG hat wieder 25% Rabatt in Asien, Middle East und Afrika eingeschalten. Nicht überall gibt es aber die 25% …

draußen, Mobiliar, Himmel, Schattierung, Tisch, Regenschirm, Gebäude, Baum, Außentisch, Hinterhof, Außenmöbel, Urlaubsort, Sonnenliege, Kaffeetisch, Wasser, Stuhl, Veranda, Küstenerholungsort, Gartenlaube, Palme, Strand, Urlaub, Gelände, Deck, Pool

IHG hat wider mal einen Sale laufen. Es gibt in den Hotels in Asien, Middle East und Afrika bis zu 25% Rabatt. Die Promotion Page ist sehr enthusiastisch, die Rabatte sind dann doch oft nicht so gut.

Die Bedingungen:

“Rates are per room, per night and are subject to availability. Rate discount starts from 15% off room, for stays between 1 August 2017 to 31 March 2018 in Asia Pacific (excluding China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Japan), Middle East and Africia. For bookings at out hotels and resorts in Japan, stays are from 21 August 2017 to 31 March 2018. You must be an IHG® Rewards Club member to be eligible for the additional discount of 10%. Advanced booking is required. Subject to hotels’ specified advanced booking lead time. All reservations are final and require full payment for the entire stay at time of booking. Tax and service charges apply. Final bill will be presented in local currency. Full prepayment is required at time of booking, cannot be amended and is non-refundable. Credit card surcharges apply. Blackout dates apply. Rates only applicable to participating hotels in Asia Pacific (excluding China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), Middle East and Africa.”

Zur Promotion Page: Enjoy more rewarding stays as an IHG® Rewards Club member on YOUR RATE 


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