La Compagnie verkauft wieder Jahrestickets auf der Strecke Paris – New York. Ein wenig teuer, aber dafür kann man in der Business ständig hin- und herfliegen …
Das Angebot ist definitiv nicht billig! La Compagnie verkauft gerade Jahrestickets für ihren Business Flieger auf der Strecke Paris – New York.
Die Promo Bedingungen zum Kauf:
„“L’Unlimited” is a special offer including unlimited travel commercialized by DreamJet and valid only from the 19th to the 22nd of September 2017. The offer is limited and only valid for the ten first buyers.
A private sale is organized on September 18th, 2017 for a selected group of passengers.
Any adult individual can purchase the offer during the period defined previously by contacting the call center.
The unique selling price of “L’Unlimited” offer is 35,000€ (thirty five thousand euros) including taxes or $40,000 (forty thousand dollars), depending on the preferential currency requested by the Buyer.“
Die Bedingungen zur Buchung:
„Tickets can be booked up to 3 hours before flight departure.
Any reservation request made beyond this time will be denied. Any “Traveler” coming to the check-in desk without a valid transportation ticket for the flight in question will be denied boarding.
The “L’Unlimited” offer allows the “Traveler” to hold a maximum of four tickets simultaneously. A new reservation can be made in the event that one of the following scenarios occurs:
– The “Traveler” uses one of the 4 tickets previously booked.
– The “Traveler” cancels one of the 4 reservations.“
No-Show ist ganz schön kostspielig:
„A “No-show” traveler cannot make any new reservations or use his or her existing reservations within the scope of the “L’Unlimited” offer, as long as he or she has not paid the resulting penalties of 2,000€ (two thousand euros), $2,500 (two thousand five hundred dollars).“
Leider ist das Ticket nicht übertragbar. Man kann auch keinen zweiten Gast mitnehmen. Wer sehr oft auf dieser Route unterwegs ist, für den macht es womöglich Sinn. Gerade auch die Flexibilität ist durchwegs reizvoll.