Heute schreibt Qantas Geschichte. Man nimmt eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Europa und Australien auf …
Von London nach Perth, das ist schon eine ordentliche Strecke. Qantas nimmt heute den direkten Flugverkehr zwischen Australien und Europa auf.
🇦🇺✈️🇬🇧 @Qantas’ #QF9, the first non-stop flight from Australia to the UK, now about halfway between Perth and London. https://t.co/3HR7rooxbk pic.twitter.com/3EMKAPBTfq
— Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) March 24, 2018
Leider ist es nicht der längste Flug. Der bleibt noch immer haarscharf bei Qatar mit Doha – Auckland. Qantas hat zu diesem Prestige Projekt ein paar Funfacts zusammengeschrieben:
1. QF9 is operated by four pilots across the 17-hour journey, with one or two pilots resting at any one time.
2. The flight will follow different flight paths depending on the best winds, helping the aircraft fly faster and more efficiently. Qantas analysed a decade of seasonal wind patterns in preparation for the new service.
3. At 14,498km, QF9 is the third longest commercial flight currently in operation. It is the world’s longest Dreamliner flight.
4. QF9 will carry around 92 tonnes or 110,000 litres of fuel with the Dreamliner burning approximately 20 per cent less than traditional aircraft its size.
5. With a total seat count of 236 passengers, the Qantas Dreamliner has significantly fewer seats than many other airlines who have configured the same aircraft to carry more than 300 passengers.
6. Currently, most aircraft have cabin air pressure equivalent to that of an altitude of 8,000 ft. For the Dreamliner, Boeing cut that down to 6,000 ft, meaning it’s closer to conditions on the ground.
7. Menus for the flights between Perth and London have been designed to maintain hydration, aid sleep and reduce jetlag and include poke bowls as well as home style comfort food.
8. There are more than 21,000 individual items loaded onto the aircraft for each flight between Perth and London including 330 peppermint tea bags and hundreds of chocolate biscuits.
9. In 1947 a return flight from Sydney to London cost £525 when the average wage was £7. Today, the average Australian weekly wage is $1600 and a return fare from Perth to London can cost less than $1300.“
Mit dem Erstflug von Perth nach London geht auch ein neues Business Menü an den Start. Qantas verschreibt sich der leichten Küche. Hier mal die Fotos der Business Meals von der Perth – London Strecke.
Fotos: Qantas