25% Rabatt bei Hilton Indien

draußen, Gras, Wolke, Himmel, Pflanze, Baum, Gebäude, Grundstück, Kirche, Feld, Groß, Saftig, Haus, Landschaft, Schloss

Hilton hat wieder mal eine Sale Promo laufen. Jetzt gilt sie für Indien …

draußen, Gras, Wolke, Himmel, Pflanze, Baum, Gebäude, Grundstück, Kirche, Feld, Groß, Saftig, Haus, Landschaft, Schloss

Die Hilton Asien Sale Promos sind ein Klassiker. Jetzt ist Indien dran. Da bekommt man als Hilton Honors Mitglied 25% Rabatt.

Die Bedingungen:

“Limited availability at the discounted rates. Offer is subject to availability at all participating Hilton properties across India, for stays booked between 9am GMT, 30 April 2018 and 9am GMT, 17 June 2018, and completed between 3 May 2018 and 31 December 2018. 3 days advance reservations required. Blackout dates may apply and vary by property. Rates are valid for single/double occupancy and are exclusive of all taxes, incidental charges, gratuities, and resort fees where applicable. Discount is 20% off Flexible Rate (BAR) or Bed and Breakfast Rate (B&B) across all participating properties. Hilton Honors members will receive an additional 5% off BAR and/or B&B. Hilton Honors Membership is required to book the Hilton Honors Members rate.
BAR and Breakfast included are specific rate types that vary depending on time of purchase, are unrestricted, non-qualified and excludes discount rates. Full non-refundable prepayment required at time of booking. Your credit card will be charged immediately for the total amount quoted for the entire stay as reserved and refunds or credits will not be issued unless otherwise indicated by local law. Charges cannot be applied to other stays, services or merchandise. Booking cannot be changed. This offer may not be combined with other select promotions, offer or discounts and is not valid for existing reservations or groups. Offer components are non-transferrable or redeemable for cash, and cannot be used during future stays.
Hilton Honors™ membership, including the earning and redemption of Points, is subject to Hilton Honors Terms and Conditions. All Hampton by Hilton™ hotels in Mainland China are excluded from the Hilton Honors program.”

Zur Promo Page: India Summer Sale

Danke: Thegate.boardingarea.com

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Mit Edelweiss um 1000 Euro Business (Return) in die Karibik
draußen, Wolke, Himmel, Flugzeug, Runway, Gras, Flughafen, Straße, Gebäude, Fahrzeug, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Asphalt, Groß

Mit Edelweiss um 1000 Euro Business (Return) in die Karibik

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