Air China hat einen Business Sale von Moskau laufen …
Im Juli hat Air China einen Promo Code für Flüge mit der Business ab Moskau laufen.
Die Kurzbeschreibung:
„The 21st edition of the FIFA World Cup will kick off in Russia on June 14. To celebrate this quadrennial football extravaganza, Air China is offering exclusive discounts on flights. From 1 June to 31 July, passengers who use the Air China Russia website to book flights from Moscow to selected destinations in China and Southeast Asia can enjoy 12% off fares. Book now or risk waiting another four years!“
Die Promo Bedingungen:
„Booking period: 1 June to 31 July, 2018.
Travel period: 20 October to 20 December, 2018.
Eligible flights: Air China-operated flights from Moscow to Mainland China, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Codeshare flights are excluded.
Booking classes: T and above.
Booking channels: Air China Russia website.“
Promotion code: WORLDCUP2018
Zur Promo Page: Exclusive 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Promotion
Buchungsklasse: Z (Air China Business)
Einfach bei der Air China Page die Ziele in China durchschauen.
Beispiel Air China Business Moskau – Sanya (Return): 1 099 Euro (bei Air China)
13.09. Air China A330 Business 23:30 Moskau – 11:55 Moskau
14.09. Air China 737 Business 13:40 Peking – 18.15 Sanya
20.09. Air China A321 Business 12:55 Sanya – 16:55 Peking
20.09. Air China A330 Business 18:30 Peking – 21:40 Moskau
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