140% BONUS: 480000 Lifemiles Meilen: 5630 Euro

Im Haus, Wand, Fenster, Fenstersitz

Und wieder mal 140% Bonus beim Sale von Lifemiles Meilen …

Im Haus, Wand, Fenster, Fenstersitz

Avianca Lifemiles Meilen sind ein super Weg in die First. Die Meilenverkäufe folgen immer der gleichen Dramaturgie. Zunächst gibt es mal einen geringeren Bonus. Dann wirft man nochmals einen erhöhten Bonus raus. Derzeit liegt dieser bei 140%.

Die Anmeldung läuft wieder über eine gesonderte Promo Page. Man muss sich mal freischalten, dann erst kann man kaufen. Wie immer achten wir bitte auf eine Verfügbarkeit!

Die Promo Bedingungen:

„+ This promotion applies for miles purchases made between September 7th and September 18th, 2018 (between 00.00-23:59 GMT -6, El Salvador).
+ The promotion is exclusive for subscribers of the „One Mile at a Time“ blog who are LifeMiles Members and have subscribed to the promotion thru the link provided by the blog.
+ The client must be previously enrolled to the LifeMiles Program. The last day to enroll and to subscribe to the promotion is September 17th, 2018.
+ Members have until September 18th, 2018 to purchase miles and get the additional bonuses.
+ Members will be able to purchase miles 24 hours after subscribing to the promotion.
+ The member must follow the miles purchase procedure established by LifeMiles LTD. Miles purchase is subject to the terms and conditions established by LifeMiles LTD.
+ The bonus percentage applies as follows: for purchases from 1,000 – 50,000 Lifemiles receive 2×1 +15% additional miles, for purchases from 51,000 – 100,000 LifeMiles receive 2×1 + 30% additional miles, for purchases from 101,000 – 200,000 receive 2×1 + 40% additional miles. The bonuses are calculated based on the miles purchased per individual transaction without taking into account the 2×1 promotional bonus.
+ The miles must be purchased in multiples of 1,000.
+ The minimum miles to purchase per transaction is 1,000 LifeMiles. If the member purchases less than 1,000 LifeMiles per transaction such transaction will be processed successfully but without granting the bonus shown in the table above.
+ The maximum miles to purchase per transaction during this promotion is 200,000 LifeMiles. Additionally, the maximum miles that a member can receive during the promotion, including applicable bonuses is 480,000 miles, minus the miles that the member has previously purchased in 2018 and their respective bonuses. The purchase transaction cannot be made if the amount of miles to purchase and the corresponding bonus, including all miles purchased in 2018, including the bonuses, exceed the 480,000 miles limit, unless the amount of miles to receive without applying the promotional bonus is less or equal to 480,000 miles, in which case, the transaction will be processed but no bonus will be granted, giving such warning to the member. The maximum amount of miles to receive by a member through the purchase of miles per calendar year outside of this promotion is 200,000 LifeMiles. If the member surpasses the limit, through purchases made during this promotion and other purchases in 2018, taking into account the bonuses received for those purchases, he or she will not be able to purchase any more miles outside of promotional periods until the next calendar year.Each package of 1,000 LifeMiles costs USD $33.00 without applicable taxes and USD $40.261 including applicable taxes according to correspondence country registered in the LifeMiles database2
+ The purchase of miles is not reversible or refundable, except in countries where this right is granted by applicable law, such as the right to retraction in Colombia, in the cases where it applies. The purchase of miles is an immediate execution contract. Once the payment is made, the miles will be accrued immediately on the members account. As of that moment the miles can be used according to the terms and conditions of the LifeMiles Program. Miles are not endorsable. Miles purchase is available through Avianca´s Call Centers, LifeMiles.com and Avianca Information Centers. For residents of Venezuela, it is only available through LifeMiles.com. Only form of payment through Avianca’s Call Center and LifeMiles.com: credit card or international debit card. Cash payments are only allowed at Avianca’s Information Centers. The receipt of the transaction will reflect the total number of miles accrued to the member´s account, including the bonus miles and the total charge for the transaction.
+ The miles purchased and earned with this promotion do not apply to achieve or maintain the Elite status.
+ Does not apply to the Flexible Redemption (LifeMiles + money) during the payment process of air ticket redemption.
+ Miles purchased, once accrued, can be redeemed in accordance with the conditions specified in the LifeMiles Program Terms and Conditions and the portfolio of products and services available for redemption.
+ LifeMiles Terms and Conditions apply. LifeMiles is a trademark of LifeMiles LTD.“

Die Höchstmenge:

200 000 Meilen + 280 000 Meilen Bonus = 480 000 Meilen: 5 630 Euro

Zur Promo Page: Purchase miles and receive up to 140% additional bonus!

Kommentare 11
  1. 5630 Euro? Da kommen dann doch noch etwa 20% Steuern hinzu, also werden’s schliesslich mehr als 6800 Euro sein… oder rechne ich da was falsch?

    1. Du kannst dir den Sale auf der Lifemiles Page ansehen. Da kommen in Europa keine Steuern hinzu. Es gibt aber Länder, wo sie Steuern hinzufügen. Zur Sicherheit habe ich mir meinen letzten Kauf angesehen. Keine Steuern bei mir ;)

  2. Ich blick’s nicht. Hab mich mit LifeMiles noch nicht auseinander gesetzt. Wie löst man die denn vernünftig ein? Was sind dann so übliche Strecken die hier Sinn machen

    1. Man überlegt sich mal F Strecken (alles außer Singapore, Lufthansa und Swiss). Dann schaut man mal die Verfügbarkeit. Hat man einen passenden Flug gefunden, Meilen kaufen und buchen.

      LH F klappt auf ausgewählten Strecken innerhalb der nächsten zwei Wochen.

  3. Ich verwende die hauptsächlich für First von EU nach Asien — z.B. mit Thai, ANA, EVA, Asiana und (mit viel Glück) LH.

    Lifemiles waren vor ein paar Jahren mein Einstieg in dieses Hobby — vor allem durch Posts wie diesen. An dieser Stelle herzlichen Dank an YHBU :)

    1. Hum, EVA war keine F… aber mit Pyjama etc. trotzdem klasse (Toronto-Teipei).

      Globaltraveler.TV hat ein nettes Video zu EVA.

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