World of Hyatt wird leicht verändert – Globalist nur mehr mit 60 Nächten

World of Hyatt hat Veränderungen angekündigt …

Gleich vorweg, die Übergangsfrist für die negative Veränderung ist sehr lange. Es sind auch eigentlich nur marginale Anpassungen.

Neue Milestones

Zunächst gibt es mal neue Bonusstufen. D. h. neben den Statuslevel bekommt man zusätzlich Voucher. Gerade für Kunden, die sich neu qualifizieren wollen ist das äußerst positiv.

„20 nights or 35k Base Points = NEW: 2 Club Lounge awards
30 nights or 50k Base Points = UPDATED: Free night (Category 1-4) + 2 Club Lounge awards
40 nights or 65k Base Points = NEW: Bonus Points or Hyatt Gift Card or a FIND experience savings when redeeming points
50 nights or 80k Base Points = NEW: 2 suite upgrades
60 nights or 100k Base Points = UPDATED: Free night (Category 1-7) + 2 suite upgrades + My Hyatt Concierge agent
70 nights = Bonus Points or a suite upgrade
80 nights = Bonus Points or a suite upgrade
90 nights = Bonus Points or a suite upgrade
100 nights = Bonus Points or a suite upgrade“

Diese Änderungen greifen schon 2019, wobei man eine Übergangsregel hat:

„Club lounge access awards can now be earned sooner at each milestone outlined in the chart above, and will no longer be awarded with Explorist status. In 2019, members can earn a maximum of four Club access awards whether they 1) earn Explorist status January 1 – February 28 or 2) stay 30 qualifying nights or earn 50,000 Base Points over the course of a calendar year. Completing more than one of these actions will not earn additional Club access awards. In 2020, Club access awards will only be awarded as follows: 2 at 20 qualifying nights or 35,000 Base Points and 2 more at 30 qualifying nights or 50,000 Base Points.“

Globalist nur mehr mit 60 Nächten

In den Fußnoten findet sich eine kleine Hiobsbotschaft für die Innhaber des Top-Tier Status Globalist. Ab 2020 will man statt 55 nun 60 Nächte zur Requali:

„Starting in 2020, all members, including existing Globalists, must complete 60 qualifying nights (including paid and award nights), earn 100,000 Base Points, or hold 20 qualifying meetings/events in a calendar year to qualify or requalify for Globalist status. The previous World of Hyatt benefit that allowed eligible Globalists to requalify for Globalist status with 55 qualifying nights will be closed to new Globalists as of 1/1/19 and discontinued for all members as of 1/1/20.“

[button link=““ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] Membership is getting more rewarding[/button]

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