TOLL: Aegean Miles+Bonus führt Babyjahr für Statusbesitzer ein

Flugzeugkabine, Auto, Kopfstütze, Im Haus, airbus

Aegean Miles+Bonus lässt Jungeltern mit Gold oder Silver Status ein Jahr pausieren …

Flugzeugkabine, Auto, Kopfstütze, Im Haus, airbus

Aegean Miles+Bonus erfreut sich aufgrund eines einfachen Star Alliance Gold Status doch einiger Beliebtheit. Die Aegean Statusjäger haben nun noch einen Grund mehr bei Miles+Bonus zu bleiben. Aegean hat nun das Babyjahr für Statusbesitzer eingeführt.

Die Kurzbeschreibung:

„Therefore, we have introduced a new exclusive benefit of tier hold for our Silver and Gold members while they are spending the first year raising their new child, so that they keep their Silver or Gold tier and continue enjoying their tier benefits for one year!
Who is eligible
Silver and Gold members
Either the mother or the father of own child
Members are eligible to apply once for each child, as soon as the child is born and up until the child reaches one year“

Die Bedingungen:

„+ Eligible for tier hold are only the active Miles+Bonus members that belong to Silver or Gold tier.
+ Eligible for tier hold are either the mother or the father of own child. There may be up to one-member parent on tier hold for the same child, at any one time.
+ Members may apply once for each child, as soon as the child is born and up until the child reaches one year.
+ It is clarified that, Tier miles added to member’s account in order to keep their tier, do not count for tier upgrades.
+ It is clarified that, Tier hold cannot be changed or cancelled once approved.
+ It is clarified that, eligible members can still enjoy their tier benefits while they are on tier hold.
+ Miles+Bonus tier hold benefit is personal for the member who receives it and is not transferable for any reason.
+ Members who are approved for tier hold can continue to earn and redeem miles.
+ Eligible members may provide the below documents:
– For Mother: Birth Certificate
– For Father: Birth Certificate, Paternity Leave for at least 3 months
+ It is clarified that the documents will be destroyed for safety reasons, after their process.
+ Miles+Bonus tier hold is a discretionary benefit and Aegean reserves the right to decline an application for, or to change the offer of, a Miles+Bonus tier hold at any time, at its own discretion.
+ Aegean reserves the right to annul or modify at its own private discretion, anytime and with no previous notice the benefit’s terms and conditions, as they are mentioned in this document. The new terms and conditions apply upon their publication.
+ The application for the benefit implies the Member’s unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions.“

[button link=““ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] New parent? Keep your tier![/button]

Das Angebot finde ich äußerst großzügig. Gut gemacht Aegean! Ein Grund mehr für einen Miles+Bonus Status!

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