Totales Grounding von Jet Airways

Im Haus, Wand, Mobiliar, Inneneinrichtung, Bilderrahmen, Spiegel, Bett, Hotel, Leinenstoffe, Kissen, Tisch, Fernsehen, Zimmer

Jet Airways fliegt nicht mehr …

Im Haus, Wand, Mobiliar, Inneneinrichtung, Bilderrahmen, Spiegel, Bett, Hotel, Leinenstoffe, Kissen, Tisch, Fernsehen, Zimmer

Kein Lounge Zugang, kein Entertainment System mehr und ganz viele gestrichene Flüge sollten schon die Alarmglocken schrillen haben lassen. Der Rückzug von Etihad hat seinen Tribut gezollt.

Zunächst ist man teilweise noch geflogen, dann hat man die internationalen Strecken für zwei Tage eingestellt. Nun ist es soweit. Jet Airways hat alle Flüge auf unbestimmte Zeit beendet:

„Late last night, Jet Airways was informed by the State Bank of India (SBI), on be-half of the consortium of Indian Lenders, that they are unable to consider its re-quest for critical interim funding.
Since no emergency funding from the lenders or any other source is forthcoming, the airline will not be able to pay for fuel or other critical services to keep the opera-tions going. Consequently, with immediate effect, Jet Airways is compelled to can-cel all its international and domestic flights. The last flight will operate today.
This decision has been taken after a painstaking evaluation of all alternatives that were made available to the Company and after receiving guidance and advice on the same from its Board of Directors. Jet Airways has informed the DGCA, and the Ministries of Civil Aviation and Finance and other relevant government institutions, of this course of action.
Over the last several weeks and months, the company has tried every means possi-ble to seek both interim and long-term funding. Unfortunately, despite its very best efforts, the airline has been left with no other choice today but to go ahead with a temporary suspension of flight operations.
This has been a very difficult decision but without interim funding, the airline is simply unable to conduct flight operations in a manner that delivers to the very rea-sonable expectations of its guests, employees, partners and service providers.
After 25 years of sharing the Joy of Flying with Indian and international guests, Jet Airways has been forced to take this extreme measure as prolonged and sustained efforts with lenders and authorities did not yield the desired results.
Essential services needed to support guest services and the re-commencement of the flight operations will be kept onboard until further notice.“

Zur Pressemitteilung: Jet Airways announces temporary suspension of flight operations

Schau doch mal in der Boardingarea DE Facebook Gruppe vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

Kommentare 5
    1. Der indische Touch in der First war recht witzig. (Positiv gemeint) Also vom Catering her.

    2. Und 3 Tage davor werben die noch mit 5000 JP Meilen für eine Hotelbuchung,
      echt krass. Und ja wirklich schade um diese Fluglinie die nicht so schlecht war.

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