100% BONUS: 320000 Hilton Punkte: 1450 Euro

draußen, Himmel, Gewerbegebäude, Fenster, Fassade, Architektur, Gebäude, Stadt, Turm, Straße

Hilton Honors bietet uns wieder mal einen Punktesale …

draußen, Himmel, Gewerbegebäude, Fenster, Fassade, Architektur, Gebäude, Stadt, Turm, Straße

Hilton Honors hat wieder mal einen Sale mit 100% Bonus laufen.

Die Bedingungen:

„Points purchased do not count towards elite tier qualification. Points.com and Hilton Honors reserve the right to terminate bonus promotions at any time. All purchases must be made through the Purchase page on HiltonHonors.com. The 100% Points bonus campaign is available for purchases made between November 13, 2019, at 12:01am ET and November 26, 2019, at 11:59pm ET. Through November 26, 2019 members may purchase a maximum of 160,000 points per calendar year. All purchases are non-refundable. Offer is subject to change. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer. Points will be posted to the recipients Hilton Honors account within 24 hours of the completed transaction. All Hilton Honors Terms and Conditions apply. Hilton HonorsTM membership, earning and redemption of Points are subject to Honors Terms and Conditions, available at HiltonHonors.com/Terms.“

Die Höchstmenge:

160 000 Punkte + 320 000 Punkte = 160 000 Punkte: 1 453 Euro

[button link=“https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinaffid=505445&awinmid=3624&platform=dl&p=%5B%5Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww3.hilton.com%252Fde_DE%252Flanguagegateway%252Findex.htm%5D%5D“ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] Sale Page (hinter dem Login)[/button]

Hier ein paar Punktewerte zum Vergleich:

5 000 Punkte Hotel: 23 Euro
10 000 Punkte Hotel: 46 Euro
95 000 Punkte Conrad Malediven: 431 Euro
120 000 Punkte Waldorf Astoria Maldives: 544 Euro (statt 1700 USD)

Schau doch mal in der größten Facebook Gruppe für Vielreisende und Vielflieger vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

Kommentare 2
  1. Problem with this is that Hil;ton can double the points needed for 5 or 10k property at any time, destroying the value you think you have bought :-(

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