CORONAVIRUS: Kenya Airways stellt alle Passagierflüge ein

draußen, Wolken, Natur, Wolke, Himmel, Wolkig

Kenya Airways streicht alle Passagierflüge …

draußen, Wolken, Natur, Wolke, Himmel, Wolkig

Kenya Airways beendet den Passagierverkehr:

„Latest update: Suspension of international flights
We in Kenya Airways have been working hard to help our passengers return to their homes given the increased travel restrictions across the world.
As we mentioned in our previous communication, we have been forced to reduce our network by over 70% and it had become increasingly difficult to continue offering international passenger services. Today the Government of Kenya has issued a directive that requires all incoming and outgoing international passenger traffic to and from Kenya to cease from midnight on 25th March 2020.
To comply with this directive, we have therefore temporarily suspended all international services effective midnight 25th March 2020, until further notice.“

Hier mehr: Latest update: Suspension of international flights

Damit wird es extrem schwer, aus bestimmten Ecken Afrikas noch rauszukommen.

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