Norwegian in Trouble: Tochterunternehmen in Insolvenz

Wolke, Fenster, Himmel, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flugzeug, Flugreise, Wolken, draußen, Flug

Norwegian Air entlässt einige Tochterunternehmen in Insolvenz …

Wolke, Fenster, Himmel, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flugzeug, Flugreise, Wolken, draußen, Flug

Norwegian ist schon länger in Finanznöten. Aufgrund eines Ausbleibens staatlicher Hilfen werden nun Tochterunternehmen in Insolvenz geschickt. (Danke:

Die Pressemitteilung:

“Despite the measures that the company has already taken, coupled with the lack of significant financial support from the Swedish and Danish governments, we are left with no choice. The Board of the below companies in the Norwegian Group today Monday 20 April decided to file for bankruptcy:
Norwegian Pilot Services Sweden AB
Norwegian Pilot Services Denmark ApS
Norwegian Cabin Services Denmark ApS
Norwegian Air Resources Denmark LH ApS
Due to the extraordinary situation (force majeure), Norwegian has also notified OSM Aviation that it has cancelled the crew provision agreements with several of its jointly owned OSM Aviation subsidiaries. These companies have crew based in Spain, UK, Finland, Sweden and the US.
The above actions will affect 1,571 pilots and 3,134 cabin crew. About 700 pilots and 1,300 cabin crew based in Norway, France and Italy are not affected.”

Die Pressemitteilung: Norwegian’s pilot and cabin crew companies in Sweden and Denmark file for bankruptcy

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draußen, Himmel, Baum, Gebäude, Stadtplatz, Wahrzeichen, Groß, Menschen, Stadt, Straße

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Condor erhält Staatshilfe
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