Air France schickt A380 sofort in Ruhestand

Wolke, Himmel, Fenster, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flugzeug, Wolken, draußen

Bei Air France werden die A380 sofort ausgeflottet …

Wolke, Himmel, Fenster, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flugzeug, Wolken, draußen

Eigentlich wollte man mit sich bei Air France mit der Ausflottung der A380 Maschinen noch ein wenig Zeit lassen. Covid-19 hat nun als Beschleuniger gewirkt. Air France hat heute das Ende der Air France A380 erklärt.

Die Pressemitteilung:

“In the context of the current COVID-19 crisis and its impact on anticipated activity levels, the Air France-KLM Group announces today the definitive end of Air France Airbus A380 operations.
Initially scheduled by the end of 2022, the phase-out of Airbus A380 fleet fits in the Air France-KLM Group fleet simplification strategy of making the fleet more competitive, by continuing its transformation with more modern, high-performance aircraft with a significantly reduced environmental footprint.
Five of the Airbus A380 aircraft in the current fleet are owned by Air France or on finance lease, while four are on operating lease. The global impact of the Airbus A380 phase-out write down is estimated at 500 million euros and will be booked in the second quarter of 2020 as a non-current cost/expenses.
Airbus A380 will be replaced by new generation aircraft, including Airbus A350 and Boeing 787, whose deliveries are ongoing.”

Quelle: Phase-out of Air France entire Airbus A380 fleet

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