Dubai erlaubt ab 07.07. Touristen Einreise (mit Covid-19 Test)

Himmel, draußen, Gebäude, Hochhaus, Tageszeit, Metropole, Metropolregion, Gewerbegebäude, Stadtgebiet, Architektur, Stadt, Wahrzeichen, Wolkenkratzer, Turm

Dubai wird ab Juli Touristen einlassen …

Himmel, draußen, Gebäude, Hochhaus, Tageszeit, Metropole, Metropolregion, Gewerbegebäude, Stadtgebiet, Architektur, Stadt, Wahrzeichen, Wolkenkratzer, Turm

Die VAE haben schon recht rasch am Anfang der Krise alle touristischen Reisen unterbunden. Nun restartet man mit 07.07. die Einreise für Touristen.

Die Eckpunkte der Einreise:
+ Installation der Covid-19 App
+ Covid-19 Test vor Abreise im Heimatland
+ Reisekrankenversicherung mit Deckung benötigt

Die Infos:

„The Committee has also decided to start welcoming visitors and tourists from overseas beginning 7 July 2020. The new decisions are supported by protocols and preventive measures aimed at safeguarding the health and wellbeing of all passengers travelling into or out of Dubai Airports.
International tourists
International tourists travelling by air to Dubai must ensure they meet all requirements for entry to the UAE. Downloading the COVID-19 DXB app and registering their details on it are critically important since it facilitates easy coordination and communication with health authorities if they experience COVID-19 symptoms. In addition to filling the ‘Health Declaration Form’ before embarking, they should ensure they have a valid health insurance in order to enter the country. The airline has the right to refuse boarding at the airport of departure if they display any COVID-19 symptoms.
Tourists must do a PCR test with a maximum validity of four days (96 hours) ahead of the date of departure. They will be required to show proof of not being infected with the virus on arrival at Dubai airports. If they cannot provide proof, they will undergo a PCR test at the airport.
All arrivals will be subject to thermal screenings. If a traveler is suspected to have COVID-19 symptoms, Dubai airports have the right to re-test to ensure the tourist is free of the virus. It is mandatory for tourists who test positive for COVID-19 to register their details on the COVID-19 DXB app and isolate themselves at an institutional facility provided by the government for 14 days at their own expense.
All positive COVID-19 cases should strictly adhere to the measures outlined by the COVID-19 Command and Control Centre.
Passenger responsibilities
The Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management stressed that travelers should commit to meeting their responsibilities to ensure their safety and that of others. These include:
All passengers must make themselves aware of the protocols and conditions specified by the Government of Dubai and destination countries before travelling and ensure they comply with them.
Passengers must disclose any health symptoms before travelling by filling out the ‘Health Declaration Form’ provided by the airline company.
UAE nationals must notify UAE embassies in the countries they are visiting if they test positive for COVID-19.
Tourists must ensure they have international health insurance before travelling.
All tourists must show that they have tested negative in a PCR test done four days (96 hours) before the departure date. If they cannot provide test results, they will be tested at Dubai airports.
Those who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate themselves for 14 days at their home or in an institutional facility provided by the government at their own expense.
Travelers must strictly follow physical distancing guidelines in accordance with measures followed at Dubai airports and use face masks at all times.
All passengers should stringently observe precautionary measures and monitor themselves for COVID-19 symptoms.“

Die Info Page: Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management announces new air travel protocols for Dubai citizens, residents and visitors

Das Konzept macht einen vernünftigen Eindruck. Einzig und allein die staatliche Quarantäne auf eigene Kosten hört sich ein wenig gruselig an.

Schau doch in unserer Boardingarea DE Facebook Gruppe vorbei –> Vielfliegerlounge

Kommentare 8
    1. Eine richtige Auslandskrankenversicherung (nicht Reiseversicherung) wie z.B. Foyer Global Health, Cigna, Allianz Worldwide Care.

      Und natuerlich wird es auch Versicherungen mit Sitz in Dubai geben, die ein entsprechendes Angebot als Reisekrankenversicherung anbieten.

      Die Versicherungen haben mittlerweile mehr als genug Zahlen, um das Risiko und die damit verbundenen Kosten quantifizieren zu koennen. Damit ist es definitv moeglich, entsprechende Versicherungsprodukte zu kalkulieren und ins Portfolio aufzunehmen.

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