Flydubai fliegt wieder

Himmel, draußen, Luftfotografie, Vogelperspektive, Stadtgebiet, Skyline, Stadtlandschaft, Metropole, Metropolregion, Nebel, Gebäude, Stadt, Reise, Turm

Flydubai startet mit dem Reisebeginn nach Dubai …

Himmel, draußen, Luftfotografie, Vogelperspektive, Stadtgebiet, Skyline, Stadtlandschaft, Metropole, Metropolregion, Nebel, Gebäude, Stadt, Reise, Turm

Ab 07.07. wird Dubai eine Einreise mit negativem Covid-19 Test erlauben: Dubai erlaubt ab 07.07. Touristen Einreise (mit Covid-19 Test)

Mit diesem Datum startet auch der Dubai Billigflieger Flydubai wieder das Netzwerk:

Text, Karte, Atlas

Die Pressemitteilung:

„Wednesday, June 24, 2020
flydubai resumes commercial scheduled operations on 07 July to reunite friends and family, to bring people home and to get business moving
flights to resume initially to 24 destinations increasing to 66 destinations over the summer
Flights can be booked on
flydubai has announced that flights are available to be booked on, initially to 24 destinations. Destinations and flight frequencies will continue to be added to the schedule over the summer.
Hamad Obaidalla, Chief Commercial Officer of flydubai, said: “flights are available for booking from today and will operate from 07 July. We are initially planning to operate to 24 destinations and we will continuously add destinations and flight frequencies to the network and we expect this to increase to 66 destinations over the course of the summer. This, of course, will be dependent on countries being able to open up and accept international travel.”
flydubai will be announcing details of its customer journey shortly which will outline what passengers can expect and what information they need to know the next time they flydubai.
Hamad Obaidalla, Chief Commercial Officer at flydubai, said: “following the recent announcement we welcome a return to service in a safe and measured way. We have redesigned our passenger journey that is built upon existing high standards to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and we can now bring people together once again. This, along with the clear and simple guidelines set out by the authorities means it’s the perfect time to return to the skies.”“

Zur Pressemitteilung: flydubai resumes flight schedule and opens for sale

Passend hat Flydubai ein paar YouTube Videos zusammengestellt. Interessant ist wahrscheinlich die Einreise in Dubai:

Schau doch in unserer Boardingarea DE Facebook Gruppe vorbei –> Vielfliegerlounge

Kommentare 1
  1. Das war noch lustig wie FlyDubai einen eigenen Shuttle von Wien nach Bratislava mit einem Airport Code für Wien Bahnhof hatte.:-)

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