Brasilien startet wieder internationalen Tourismus

Fenster, Himmel, Wolke, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, draußen, Wolken, Flugzeug, Flug

Brasilien ermöglicht wieder eine Einreise …

Fenster, Himmel, Wolke, Gebäude, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, draußen, Wolken, Flugzeug, Flug

Brasilien wird gerade stark von Covid-19 getroffen. Trotzdem hat man die Einreise für Touristen nun wieder erlaubt. Einzig und allein eine Krankenversicherung muss vorgezeigt werden.

Die Infos bei Reuters:

„Brazil on Wednesday reopened international air travel to foreign tourists, which had been banned since March, even as the country’s coronavirus outbreak ranks as the world’s second worst.
Tourists from all countries may travel to Brazil as long as they have health insurance for the duration of their trip, the government said in a decree which did not explain the rationale for the decision.“

Zum Reuters Artikel: Brazil reopens international flights to tourists even as coronavirus deaths spike

Das offizielle Dokument (auf Portugiesisch): Diario Official da Uniao

Es besteht eine Reisewarnung und bei Rückkehr muss man in Quarantäne. Ob eine Reise nach Brasilien gerade so eine gute Idee ist, vielleicht doch nicht.

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Kommentare 4
    1. “ Art. 6 The restrictions referred to in this Ordinance do not prevent foreigners from entering the country by air, provided that the migratory requirements appropriate to their condition are observed, including that of having an entry visa, when required by the Brazilian legal system.

      § 1 The foreign passenger on a visit to the country for a short stay, of up to ninety days, must present to the transport company, prior to boarding, proof of purchase of health insurance valid in Brazil and with coverage for the entire period of the trip , under penalty of being prevented from entering the national territory by the migratory authority due to provocation by the health authority.“

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