Covid-19 Tests vor TAP Flug ab USA oder Südamerika

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Bei bestimmten TAP Strecken benötigt man nun vor Abflug bereits einen negativen Covid-19 Test …

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Die großartige Einreise von Südamerika oder den USA nach Europa ist derzeit aufgrund der Covid-19 Beschränkungen der EU und damit der Nationalstaaten nicht möglich. Dennoch gibt es natürlich TAP Verbindungen nach Nord- und Südamerika.

Hier will man nun bei speziellen Flügen Covid-19 Tests vor Abflug. Also alle Reisenden ohne Wohnsitz in Portugal müssen vor Abflug aus den USA oder portugiesisch sprechenden Ländern einen Test machen lassen. Das gilt auch für Transferpassagiere.

Die Infos von TAP:

„Portuguese authorities have determined that on flights departing from Portuguese-speaking countries and the United States of America, non-Portuguese passengers or non-residents of Portugal, with destination or transit in Portugal, who do not present at the time of departure proof of a COVID-19 test, namely molecular RT-PCR test, a with a negative result, carried out within the last 72 hours before departure, are not allowed to board or permitted entry to Portugal. This measure applies to adult passengers as well as minors.
Portuguese citizens or foreign nationals with a permanent residence in Portugal who travel without a molecular RT-PCR test will be immediately tested upon arrival at the airport, in which case the cost will be charged to the passenger.
The tests will be carried out and made available by ANA, SA, through qualified health professionals, which can be subcontracted, and passengers must wait for the results of the tests confined to the location where they will be staying, providing their contact details and following the rules of the Directorate-General for Health.
Passengers who are unable to comply with these requirements and who have a travel date until July 31, have the possibility to change the trip for the following week, and shall be exempt from paying the change fee, however the fare difference will be charged, if applicable, and the change will be according to flight availability. For travels from August 1 onwards normal fare rules of the ticket will apply.“

Zur TAP Info Page: COVID-19 test for entry or transit in Portugal

Die Idee bzw. Regel von Covid-19 Tests vor Abflug kommt immer stärker auf, gerade bei der Langstrecke aus stark betroffenen Gebieten.

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