Meilenverfall bei Etihad Guest beendet … bei einer Transaktion alle 18 Monate

Decke, Mobiliar, Im Haus, Inneneinrichtung, Tisch, Wand, Stuhl, Boden, Couch, Zimmer, Lounge

Bei Etihad verfallen Meilen nun bei einer Transaktion alle 18 Monate nicht mehr …

Decke, Mobiliar, Im Haus, Inneneinrichtung, Tisch, Wand, Stuhl, Boden, Couch, Zimmer, Lounge

Etihad Guest beendet mit Ende Juli den Meilenverfall. Bedingung ist eine Aktion, die dann die Gültigkeit wieder um 18 Monate verlängert.

Die Kurzbeschreibung:

„From 31 July 2020, every eligible transaction you make will extend your balance by another 18 months*. That includes earning, spending or buying miles. You can only extend your miles balance once per month and by a maximum period of 18 months.“

Die Bedingungen:

„*The validity of Etihad Guest Miles will be extended based on qualifying member activity. Miles will be extended for a period of 18 months after making one eligible transaction, including earning, spending or buying miles. Miles can be extended to a maximum period of 18 months.
Etihad Guest Miles will expire if there is no qualifying activity within a period of 18 months after the last qualifying activity. If an Etihad Guest member does not qualify for the extension, the Etihad Guest Miles balance will expire on the last day of the 18th month after the last qualifying activity, at 23:30 (GST time).
The definition of qualifying activities is specified on and/or as otherwise specified and extant in our valid publications, as issued from time to time.
The definition of qualifying activities to extend the Etihad Guest Miles balance is subject to change at any time without notice.
The Etihad Guest Miles balance of Etihad Guest Platinum members will not expire as long as the Etihad Guest Platinum Tier Status is maintained.
Once a Platinum member is downgraded to Gold tier, total miles balance validity period will be calculated 18 months from the tier downgrade date.
This email is intended for the recipient only.“

Quelle: Mitgliederkommunikation

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