Weitere Covid-19 Teststraße für Frankfurt Airport

draußen, Himmel, Text, Brücke, Wolke, Gebäude, Fahrzeug, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, passieren

In Frankfurt sollen nun noch mehr Tests möglich werden …

draußen, Himmel, Text, Brücke, Wolke, Gebäude, Fahrzeug, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, passieren

Am Airport Frankfurt laufen bereits zwei Testzentren. Einmal das Rote Kreuz für Rückkehrer und dann noch Centogene für Rückkehrer und abfliegende Passagiere. Centogene eröffnet eine weitere Teststraße und will damit die Kapazitäten steigern.

Die Infos:

„CENTOGENE eröffnet einen erweiterten Bereich zur Probenentnahme direkt neben dem bereits existierenden Walk-In-COVID-19-Testzentrum und erhöht somit die Kapazitäten für die Rachenabstriche der COVID-19-Tests signifikant“

Zur Pressemitteilung: CENTOGENE weitet COVID-19-Testkapazitäten am Frankfurter Flughafen aus

Die Infos zu den derzeitigen Teststraßen:

Rotes Kreuz (für Rückkehrer aus Risikoländern)

„The German Red Cross offers free Covid-19 tests at Frankfurt Airport to travelers returning from high-risk areas. The Test Center is located right at the airport on the pedestrian bridge connecting Terminal 1 and the long-distance train station.
A pre-registration is possible and recommended. Alternatively, registration can be done on site by presenting your boarding pass.
The test result is available within 24 hours. If you take the test by 3 p.m., you can usually get the result on the same day. It is directly emailed to you by the laboratory.
Opening hours: daily 5:30 to 23:30“

Centogene (für Rückkehrer aus Risikoländern und abfliegende Passagiere)

„Lufthansa, Fraport, and CENTOGENE have partnered to offer Coronavirus testing at Frankfurt Airport via a Test Center located right at the airport on the pedestrian bridge connecting Terminal 1 and the long-distance train station. This is an RT-PCR test (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test), which detects whether there is an acute infection with the virus, and thus the risk of infecting other people they come in contact with. The detection is carried out by means of a throat swab.
After registering via the Test Portal, a throat swab can be taken at the Airport Test Center without an appointment.
Please bring your registration, face mask and passport. Please do not eat, drink, or brush your teeth 15 minutes before the test.
In addition to the free tests for travelers returning from high-risk areas, there are two test options for departing passengers and visitors:
50 euros incl. VAT – to receive results within 12 hours: The sample must be taken before 2 p.m. to receive your results as indicated above. If the sample is collected after 2 p.m., the result will be available in > 99% of cases by 11 a.m. the following day.
139 euros incl. VAT – to receive results within 6 hours (Express Test): The sample must be taken before 3 p.m. to receive your results as indicated above. if the sample is collected after 3 p.m., the result will be available in > 99% of cases by 10 a.m. the following day.
For an additional charge of 9 euros, there is also the option to obtain an official, internationally valid verification for authorities in various countries – certifying that the test results belong to you and have not been hampered with. This verification includes the documentation of the travel document and the identity of the tested person.
Opening hours: daily 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.“

Zur Info Page: Coronavirus Testing at the Airport

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