ANA plant neue Airline

Text, Screenshot, Schrift, Marke

Bei ANA soll es bald eine neue Low-Cost Airline geben …

Text, Screenshot, Schrift, Marke

ANA nutzt die derzeitige Krise zu einer Neuausrichtung. Eine neue Low-Cost Airlines soll mit zwei Klassen und 787 Flugzeugen Ziele der Mittelstrecke bedienen. Namen gibt es noch nicht. Ob die Unterteilung Economy und Business sein wird, ist auch noch nicht klar.

Die drei künftigen ANA Marken:

„① ANA brand
・As the premium airline brand of the ANA Group, transform into an airline that places an emphasis on „universal service“ by providing new products and services that meet the needs of the post-COVID customers as a brand that is considerate to the well-being of people and the environment.
・Utilizing digital technology, promote integrated services with a focus on „personalization“ and „customized service.“
・Realize a growth model that can continuously generate profits in the post-COVID era by improving productivity with more automated operations and improving work efficiency.
② Peach Aviation
・In addition to the existing leisure demand, expand the customer base to business passengers and families through wider cooperation in marketing with ANA through the addition of initiatives such as the exchange of ANA mileages to Peach Aviation’s points.
・Further develop the Peach Aviation business by increasing cooperation with regional entities on new work and vacation styles and the utilization of customer information in promoting social media activity.
・With its relocation to Terminal 1 at Narita Airport on October 25, expand demand through its improved convenience and synergies with ANA for travelers around the Tokyo metropolitan area.
・Expand the medium-distance international routes with new A321LR aircraft-based products/services.
・Enter the air cargo business in collaboration with ANA and ANA Cargo (ACX).
New Airline Brand
・ANA Group will establish a third airline brand around fiscal 2022, to raise profits by targeting demand for low-cost, medium-distance flights to destinations in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
・By using the current Air Japan entity as the foundation, the brand will be capable of responding to sudden changes in demand and begin operations quickly after its establishment.
・Low unit cost operations will be delivered on this brand through the utilization of the 787 aircraft configured with 300+ seats.

Die Pressemitteilung: ANA HOLDINGS Announces Transformative Measures to a New Business Model

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