Cathay Dragon stellt Betrieb ein

Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Verkehrsflugzeug, Himmel, Flugreise, draußen, Airline, Wolke, Düsentriebwerk, Flugzeug, Fahrzeug, Luftfahrttechnik, Flugzeugtriebwerk, airbus, Düsenflugzeug, Luftfahrt, Schmalrumpfflugzeug, Landeklappe, Flughafen, Dienstleistung, Gelände, Flugplatzvorfeld, Transport, Luftfahrthersteller, Turbine, Asphalt, Flügel, Runway, halten, Groß, Jet

Bei Cathay Pacific kommen starke Umstrukturierungen …

Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Verkehrsflugzeug, Himmel, Flugreise, draußen, Airline, Wolke, Düsentriebwerk, Flugzeug, Fahrzeug, Luftfahrttechnik, Flugzeugtriebwerk, airbus, Düsenflugzeug, Luftfahrt, Schmalrumpfflugzeug, Landeklappe, Flughafen, Dienstleistung, Gelände, Flugplatzvorfeld, Transport, Luftfahrthersteller, Turbine, Asphalt, Flügel, Runway, halten, Groß, Jet

Die Cathay Pacific Tochter Cathay Dragon mit Spezialisierung auf China wird den Betrieb einstellen. Cathay Pacific (gemeinsam mit Hong Kong Express) wird die Strecken selbst übernehmen.

Die Pressemitteilung:

“Cathay Pacific Group announces corporate restructuring
Group will cease Cathay Dragon operations, and reduce workforce and passenger capacity as it adapts to the new travel reality
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 — The Cathay Pacific Group today announces a corporate restructuring in response to the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation market.
The restructuring will enable the Company to secure its future, so it can protect as many jobs as possible, whilst meeting its responsibilities to the Hong Kong aviation hub and its customers.
The Group will create a more focused, efficient and competitive business. It will do this by harnessing Cathay Pacific’s strengths and unparalleled customer experience, while leveraging the potential of its low-cost carrier, HK Express.
Major elements of the restructuring include:
Reducing approximately 8,500 positions across the entire Group, which accounts for around 24% of its established headcount. Through a recruitment freeze and natural attrition, the Group has been able to reduce this to 5,900 actual jobs (or 17% of its established headcount). This means some 5,300 Hong Kong-based employees being made redundant, and approximately 600 employees based outside of Hong Kong also possibly being affected subject to local regulatory requirements.
Cathay Dragon, the Group’s wholly owned regional subsidiary, will cease operations with immediate effect. It is intended that regulatory approval will be sought for a majority of Cathay Dragon’s routes to be operated by Cathay Pacific and HK Express, a wholly-owned subsidiary.
Hong Kong-based cabin and cockpit crew members of Cathay Pacific will be asked to agree to changes in their conditions of service which are designed to match remuneration more closely to productivity and to enhance market competitiveness.
Executive pay cuts will continue throughout 2021 and a third voluntary Special Leave Scheme for non-flying employees will be introduced for the first half of next year. There will be no salary increases for 2021 nor the payment of the annual discretionary bonus for 2020 across the board for all employees. Outport colleagues will be subject to local arrangements.”

Zur Pressemitteilung: Cathay Pacific Group announces corporate restructuring

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