Doppelte Statuspunkte bei Iberia Plus

Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flughafen, Fahrzeug, Himmel, Verkehrsflugzeug, Flugreise, draußen, Dienstleistung, Flugplatzvorfeld, Airline, Luftfahrttechnik, Flugzeugtriebwerk, Fluggastbrücke, Düsentriebwerk, Luftfahrthersteller, Flugzeug, Düsenflugzeug, halten, Groß, Runway, Luftfahrt, airbus, Gelände, Tor, Asphalt, gelb

Doppelte Statuspunkte bei Iberia Plus sammeln …

Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Flughafen, Fahrzeug, Himmel, Verkehrsflugzeug, Flugreise, draußen, Dienstleistung, Flugplatzvorfeld, Airline, Luftfahrttechnik, Flugzeugtriebwerk, Fluggastbrücke, Düsentriebwerk, Luftfahrthersteller, Flugzeug, Düsenflugzeug, halten, Groß, Runway, Luftfahrt, airbus, Gelände, Tor, Asphalt, gelb

Bis März 2021 gibt es auf Flüge von IAG doppelte Iberia Plus Statuspunkte.

Die Kurzbeschreibung:

„Therefore, we will double your Elite Points on your flights until 31st March 2021.
From 1st October 2020 until 31st March 2021, your flights with Iberia Group, Vueling and British Airways will be worth double! Book and fly before 31st March 2021 and double your Elite Points.“

Die Bedingungen:

„Offer to obtain a double amount of Elite Points on all flight tickets operated by airlines belonging to the IAG group in which elite points have previously been obtained. All other policies for obtaining Elite Points of the Iberia Plus programme continue to be maintained and the tables for obtaining them remain unchanged for the rest of the partners. Only those customers belonging to the programme who meet the established requirements will earn Elite Points, thus excluding customers who do not make effective use of the flights included in their reservation.
Offer valid for flights (one way or round trip) on routes operated by Iberia, Iberia Express and Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, British Airways, LEVEL and Vueling in any booking class in which Elite Points were previously obtained. Only for flights purchased and flown between October 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.“

Quelle: Mitgliederkommunikation

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