Singapore Airlines verbessert in London Umstieg zu anderen Star Alliance Airlines

Fenster, Himmel, Gebäude, Bullauge, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, draußen, Sonnenaufgang

Der Umstieg zu anderen Star Alliance Airlines soll reibungsloser ablaufen …

Fenster, Himmel, Gebäude, Bullauge, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, draußen, Sonnenaufgang

Singapore Airlines möchte die Umstiege zu anderen Star Alliance Airlines beschleunigen. In London Heathrow Terminal 2 werden in der App die Transfer-Informationen angezeigt. Bei Bedarf gibt es eine digitale Berechtigung für die Fastlane.

Die Infos:

„Singapore Airlines (SIA) has become the launch airline for the digital version of the Star Alliance Connection Service.
The Star Alliance Connection Service was introduced in 2017 to facilitate time critical flight connections between Star Alliance member airlines and, until now, has required dedicated staff support to assist affected passengers in transferring between flights.
The digital version of the Star Alliance Connection Service embeds in the participating member airline’s mobile app, providing updated transfer information and intuitive navigational services through the customer’s smartphone at major hub airports, without further intervention.
Information provided by the digital version includes the optimum route from the arrival to the departure gate, as well as distance and time needed to get there. In the case of critical connections, passengers receive a digital express connection card that allows expedited passage through certain checkpoints.
Star Alliance adopted the Airline Accelerator technology of Living Map, a UK-based digital location and mapping specialist, whose advanced indoor positioning product provides the foundation for each customized customer routing within the airport terminal.
This initial release focuses on London Heathrow Airport (LHR) Terminal 2. SIA passengers connecting to or from any other Star Alliance member airline in the terminal will have access to the airport maps via the SingaporeAir mobile app. Star Alliance plans to roll out the digital version of its Connection Service to more transfer-intensive airports for adoption by other member airlines in the future. Android users are experiencing this enhancement first, and the implementation for iOS users will take place subsequently.

Zur Pressemitteilung: Singapore Airlines launches Digital Connection Service

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