Qatar Airways stellt sukzessive das Streckennetz wieder her …
Qatar hat 2020 stoisch den Flugbetrieb aufrechterhalten. Mit Ende von 2020 richtet man das Streckennetz erneut weiter auf. Phuket und die Seychellen sind auch wieder mit Qatar erreichbar.
“Qatar Airways’ fleet of modern fuel-efficient aircraft has enabled it to continue flying throughout the pandemic and sustainably rebuild its network maintaining its position as the leading international carrier providing global connectivity. The airline will resume flights and increase services to several destinations in the coming weeks, including:
Algiers (two weekly flights starting 13 November)
Chicago (increasing to nine weekly flights from 15 November)
Kiev (three weekly flights starting 18 December)
Miami (two weekly flights starting 14 November)
New York (increasing to 14 weekly flights from 14 November)
Phuket (two weekly flights starting 4 December)
Seychelles (three weekly flights starting 15 December)
Tbilisi (one weekly flight started 5 November)
Warsaw (three weekly flights starting 16 December)
The national carrier of the State of Qatar will also launch two new destinations in December with one weekly flight to Luanda, Angola starting from 14 December and four weekly flights to San Francisco from 15 December 2020.”
Die Pressemitteilung: Qatar Airways Resumes Flights to Algiers, Kiev, Miami, Phuket, Seychelles, Tbilisi and Warsaw
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