Verschärfungen bei der Singapur – Hong Kong Travel Bubble

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Bei der Singapur – Hong Kong Travel Bubble werden die Auflagen schärfer und der Start wird verschoben …

draußen, Wolke, Skyline, Stadtlandschaft, Himmel, Metropole, Hochhaus, Stadtgebiet, Metropolregion, Wolkenkratzer, Turm, Baum, Stadtzentrum, Wohnungseigentum, Gebäude, Stadt, Berg, Reise, Landschaft

Hong Kong und Singapur haben sich das super easy vorgestellt. Man macht einen Covid-19 Test. Ist man negativ darf man auf speziellen Flügen ohne Beschränkung zwischen Hong Kong und Singapur reisen.

Steigende Fallzahlen in Hong Kong (ca. 20 Fälle pro Tag) machen aber Probleme. Die Travel Bubble ist mal für zwei Wochen verschoben. Singapur plant auch einen verpflichtenden Covid-19 Test bei Ankunft (zum Covid-19 Test vor Abreise in Hong Kong dazu) und eine Quarantäne bis zum negativen Ergebnis.

Cathay Pacific informiert:

„Travel bubble update: 21 November
Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong and Singapore governments have postponed the launch of the Air Travel Bubble by two weeks.​“

Zur Info Page: Ready, bubble, fly

Singapore Airlines informiert:

„Air Travel Bubble Eligibility Criteria and Health Measures
Customers flying under the ATB arrangement must meet all the eligibility criteria and required health measures. This includes taking pre-departure Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests within 72 hours before each flight departure, and a Covid-19 PCR test upon arrival at Singapore Changi Airport and Hong Kong International Airport and obtaining a negative test result. Travellers are also required to fly on dedicated ATB flights.
All travellers will be able to travel to Hong Kong if they have stayed in Singapore and/or Hong Kong for the last 14 consecutive days before departure. Do note that holders of Work Permits or S-Passes issued by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower working in the construction, marine shipyard, or process sectors are excluded from travelling from Singapore to Hong Kong on the ATB flights.
Those looking to travel to Singapore, must have stayed in Hong Kong and/or Singapore for the last 14 consecutive days before departure. Foreign travellers from Hong Kong will need to apply for an Air Travel Pass (ATP) between seven and thirty calendar days prior to their intended date of entry into Singapore. Travellers can apply for the ATP from 12 November 2020, 8am (Singapore time) for entry into Singapore on or after 22 November 2020.
Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Long-Term Pass holders are not required to apply for an ATP to travel to Singapore. However, Long-Term Pass holders will still have to seek entry approval from the relevant Singapore Government agencies, which issued their Long-Term Pass, before travelling to Singapore. More details can be found at
From 22 November 2020, ATB travellers entering Singapore will also have to undergo an on-arrival Covid-19 PCR test at Changi Airport. The on-arrival Covid-19 PCR test will cost S$196 (including Goods and Services Tax) per traveller. To give travellers under the Singapore – Hong Kong ATB time to adjust to this change, they are not required to pay for the on-arrival Covid-19 PCR test for the first week, from 22 to 28 November 2020.
After the test, travellers must self-isolate in their place of residence, whether at a hotel or a home (for Singapore residents), while waiting for the results, which will take about six to eight hours. They are to take private transportation, taxi, or private hire car from the airport to their declared place of accommodation.
Customers with existing bookings who no longer wish to travel on the ATB flights, will be able to rebook or request a full refund of their tickets, with cancellation fees waived via our Assistance Request form. The refund will be accorded to the passengers’ original mode of payment for unutilised portion(s) of their tickets (including non-refundable tickets).
Please note that should travellers become Covid-19 positive while in Singapore or Hong Kong, they will need to bear the full cost of any medical treatment, subject to the respective cities’ prevailing medical and healthcare policies.
To view the full ATB requirements and health measures, please click here.
Do note that travellers transiting through Singapore or Hong Kong, as well as non-ATB travellers, will not be allowed to board the Air Travel Bubble flights. Passengers travelling on designated ATB flights must ensure they meet all the requirements before booking a flight.“

Zur Info Page: Covid-19: Air Travel Bubble Flights between Singapore and Hong Kong

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Kommentare 2
  1. Wird Zeit dass USA & EU wieder gegenseitig aufmachen. Wenn das passiert ist der Druck auf fast alle anderen Laender da, auch zu oeffnen und nicht mehr ihre buerokratischen Hirngespintzte fortzusetzen.

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