Singapore Airlines testet Covid-19 Health Pass für Test bzw. Impfung

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Bei Singapore Airlines kann man sich den Test oder die Impfung in einer App eintragen lassen …

Himmel, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Fahrzeug, draußen, Verkehrsflugzeug, Flughafen, Airline, Flugreise, Transport, Wolke, Flugplatzvorfeld, Flugzeug, Dienstleistung, Runway, Düsentriebwerk, Flugzeugtriebwerk, Schmalrumpfflugzeug, Düsenflugzeug, Gelände, Asphalt, Fluggastbrücke, Luftfahrt, Landeklappe, Luftfahrttechnik, airbus, Straße, halten, Jet

Mehrere Institutionen wie IATA oder Star Alliance planen die Einführung eines digitalen Health Pass. Dort soll ein Covid-19 Test oder dann später eine Impfung hinterlegt werden.

Singapore Airlines probiert das gerade. Die App läuft schon und auf einer Teststrecke kann man sie nutzen. In der App wird der Covid-19 Test digital eingetragen und man muss nicht mühsam Papierkram am Airport erledigen.

Die Infos:

“Singapore Airlines (SIA) has started trials on a new digital health verification process, which will be the first in the world to be based on the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Travel Pass framework. This will offer customers the ability to securely store and present information related to Covid-19 tests, as well as their vaccination status in the future.
This service will initially be offered from 23 December to customers travelling on flights operated by Singapore Airlines from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. If successful, this could be extended to other cities in the SIA route network.
Customers who take their Covid-19 tests at selected clinics in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur would be given either digital or paper health certificates with a QR code. Airport check-in staff and Singapore’s immigration authority would be able to verify the authenticity of these certificates via a secure mobile app, and ensure that the customers meet Singapore’s entry requirements. Customers without a digital certificate can also present the paper version for manual verification.
This is a faster and more secure way to validate a passenger’s health credentials than the existing protocols, speeding up both the airport check-in process and the immigration entry process into Singapore. It would make it easier for SIA customers to control their information, reduce friction during their travel journey, and result in a more seamless experience with the aid of digital technologies in the new normal.
IATA’s Timatic registry will provide the back-end information on the Covid-19 testing and entry requirements. This is part of the modular Travel Pass solution, which aims to allow travellers to easily and securely manage their travel in line with national requirements for Covid-19 testing and vaccine information.
Singapore Airlines also plans to integrate the entire process into the SingaporeAir mobile app from around mid-2021, again using the Travel Pass framework. This would support the drive towards a secure and convenient industry standard for the verification of Covid-19 test and vaccinations.”

Zur Pressemitteilung: Singapore Airlines Starts Trials On Digital Verification Of Covid-19 Test Results And Vaccination Information

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