Die neue große IHG Rewards Promo: 2.000 IHG Punkte (+ Statuspunkte) für zwei Nächte

Im Haus, Mobiliar, Inneneinrichtung, Vorhang, Fensterausstattung, Bett, Kissen, Tisch, Leinenstoffe, Lampenschirm, Fensterabdeckung, Schlafzimmer, Bettwäsche, Couch, Stuhl, Lampe, Wand, Suite, Matratze, Bettbezug, Zimmer, Fenster, Boden, Hotel

IHG Rewards hat die neue große Promotion vorgestellt …

Im Haus, Mobiliar, Inneneinrichtung, Vorhang, Fensterausstattung, Bett, Kissen, Tisch, Leinenstoffe, Lampenschirm, Fensterabdeckung, Schlafzimmer, Bettwäsche, Couch, Stuhl, Lampe, Wand, Suite, Matratze, Bettbezug, Zimmer, Fenster, Boden, Hotel

IHG Rewards hat die neue Promo für 2021 vorgestellt. Nach zwei Nächten erhält man 2.000 Punkte. Die zählen auch für den Status!!!

Die Bedingungen:

„You must be an IHG® Rewards member and must register your member number in advance of staying, to participate in the “2,000 Bonus Points Every 2 Nights” promotion (“Promotion”). The promotion begins on 20 January 2021 and ends on 31 March 2021 (“Promotion Period). Upon registration members will be presented with the opportunity to earn 2,000 bonus points upon completion of every two nights during the Promotion Period when paying a Qualifying Rate (as such rates are defined in the IHG Rewards terms and conditions). Bonus Points will only be awarded from the base points earned with each qualifying stay. You must register for the Promotion and book before 1 April 2021.
By clicking “click to register” you are registering for the Promotion. Members will be awarded bonus points based upon the number of nights consumed during the Promotion Period at IHG® brand hotels. Members will only receive bonus points for nights occurring between the Promotion Period. A stay can begin before the Promotion Period or end after the Promotion Period but will only receive the Promotion points for dates within the Promotion Period. Nights that occurred before or after the Promotional Period are excluded. The bonus points earned during the Promotion can be used towards Reward Nights, can be redeemed for merchandise, or for other redemption opportunities.
Qualifying Stays (a minimum 1-night stay booked under a Qualifying Rate, with total spend exceeding US $30 for each night). The awarded 2,000 bonus points will be Elite Qualifying and count towards earning IHG Rewards member status. The Promotional Period includes 71 nights and the maximum number of bonus points that can be earned is 70,000 points over the entire Promotional Period.“

[button link=“https://www.ihg.com/rewardsclub/gb/en/offers/promoreg/?promoCode=42050&offerCode=42050&offerId=221H1″ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] IHG® Offer Registration[/button]

Schau doch mal in der größten deutschsprachigen Gruppe für Vielreisende vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

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Auswärtiges Amt deklariert Hochrisikogebiete
Himmel, draußen, Luftfotografie, Vogelperspektive, Wolke, Nebel, Horizont, Luftbild, Sonnenuntergang, Flug

Auswärtiges Amt deklariert Hochrisikogebiete

Deutschland hat drei Länder als Hochrisikogebiete definiert

IHG Rewards macht 2021 Status einfacher
draußen, Fenster, Gebäude, Balkon, Fassade, Stadt, Haus, Tür, Straße

IHG Rewards macht 2021 Status einfacher

Ein IHG Rewards Status ist 2021 einfacher zu erreichen

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