Iberia startet biometrisches Boarding

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Bei Iberia probiert man das biometrische Boarding aus …

Kleidung, Mann, Person, Schuhwerk, Im Haus, Sauberkeit, Boden, Hose, Unternehmen, stehend, Anzug, Gelände, Tor

Biometrische Boardingverfahren kennt man schon. Iberia steigt mit der Covid-19 Krise auch ein und probiert ein automatisiertes Erkennen von Personen mit kontaktlosem Boarding.

Die Infos:

„Iberia, the airports authority, Inetum and Thales are partnering in this ambitious project, supported by Spain’s Industrial Technology Development Centre (CDTI).
It allows the biometric detection of passengers using tablet-type mobile equipment.
The aim is to increase security and speed procedures in an airport with numerous flights to many different destinations.
It implies seeking innovative ways of operating in the air travel industry to comply with the new health safety measures implemented following the Covid-19 outbreak.
Iberia is part of the consortium which includes the national airports authority AENA, Inetum, and Thales, which is to carry out an R+D project with the aim of seeking new ways to operate in the air travel industry with the new health measures imposed since the Covid-19 outbreak.
The proposed project allows the biometric detection of passengers thanks to the use of tablet-type mobile equipment, which will improve their airport experience by streamlining the entire process and elimination all physical contact, enhancing still further the safety of all airport procedures.
The use of such mobile equipment also incorporates the concept of mobility, meaning that a limited number of units will be sufficient to deal with a large number of flights to different destinations. In addition, the system boasts improved detection capabilities, making it possible to identify passengers even when they are wearing face masks.“

Zur Pressemitteilung: Facial Recognition Pilot Project at Madrid Airport to be Extended for Contactless Passenger Experience

Foto: Iberia

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