Qatar Airways Entertainment per Handy steuern

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Qatar Airways lässt das Entertainment Programm per Handy steuern …

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Qatar Airways hat ein kleines Update für das Oryx Entertainment Programm durchgeführt. In den A350 kann man das jetzt per Handy steuern.

Die Infos:

„Qatar Airways is pleased to soon become the first global airline to offer passengers 100 percent Zero-Touch technology for its award-winning Oryx One in-flight entertainment system across the A350 fleet as part of the airline’s latest COVID-19 safety measures.
The Zero-Touch technology, introduced in partnership with the Thales AVANT IFE system, will enable A350 passengers to pair their personal electronic devices (PEDs) with their seat-back IFE screen by connecting to ‘Oryxcomms’ Wi-Fi and simply scanning a QR code displayed on the screen. They can then use their PEDs to navigate and enjoy more than 4,000 options on offer through the airline’s award-winning Oryx One in-flight entertainment system, limiting the frequency of on board surface contact and providing greater peace of mind throughout the duration of their journey.
Qatar Airways is also set to become the first airline in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa region to offer passengers in Business and Economy the option to pair their personal Bluetooth headphones with the on-board seatback IFE system in all cabins on the Boeing 787-9 fleet.
Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, said: “As an industry leader in the fight against COVID-19 and the first global airline to recently achieve a 5-Star rating in the coveted Skytrax Airline Safety Rating, Qatar Airways is committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety and hygiene on board its aircraft at all times.“

Zur Pressemitteilung: Qatar Airways to Become the First Global Airline to Offer Passengers 100% Touch-Free ‘Zero-Touch’ In-flight Entertainment Technology

Schau doch mal in der größten deutschsprachigen Gruppe für Vielreisende vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

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