Passagierflüge von Qatar, Oman und Äthiopien nach UK werden eingestellt …
UK hat den Oman, Äthiopien und Qatar mal auf die Red List gesetzt. Damit wird die Einreise ohne Wohnsitz in UK unterbunden. Mit Wohnsitz in UK muss man in staatliche 10-tägige Quarantäne.
Dazu gibt es noch ein Verbot für Passagierflüge aus dem Oman, Äthiopien und Qatar.
Die Infos:
„Ethiopia, Oman, Somalia and Qatar have been added to England’s red list to protect the country against new variants of coronavirus (COVID-19), at a critical time for the vaccine programme.
With over 24 million vaccinations delivered in the UK so far, the move will help to reduce the risk of new variants – such as those first identified in South Africa and Brazil – entering England.
From 4am on Friday 19 March 2021, visitors who have departed from or transited through these countries in the previous 10 days will be refused entry into England. Only British and Irish citizens, or those with residence rights (including long-term visa holders), will be allowed to enter and must stay in a government-approved facility for 10 days.
During their stay, they will be required to take a coronavirus test on day 2 and day 8.
A ban on commercial and private planes travelling from Oman, Ethiopia and Qatar will also come into force on Friday to reduce the risk of importing variants of concern. This excludes cargo and freight without passengers.“
Zur Pressemitteilung: More countries added to red list to protect UK vaccination programme against variants of concern
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