Nordeuropa DEAL: 10 Nächte bei Nordic Choice Hotels: 750 Euro

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Wasser, See, Sonnenuntergang, Winter, Stadt, Gebäude, Haus

Bei Nordic Choice Hotels lassen sich wieder Hotelvoucher kaufen …

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Wasser, See, Sonnenuntergang, Winter, Stadt, Gebäude, Haus

Jedes Jahr legt Nordic Choice Hotels einen Sale für ein Übernachtungspackage für den Sommer auf. 5 Nächte gibt es um 450 Euro und 10 Nächte kosten 750 Euro.

Im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr sind die Kosten für die 10 Übernachtungen um 50 Euro geringer.

Die teilnehmenden Hotels: The lovely hotels that you can stay at when you buy The Summer Flee hotel pass

Die Sale Infos:

„The Summer Flee – 5 nights
€450 Buy
The Summer Flee allows you to choose between more than 100 hotels at over 50 destinations. Stay at five different hotels or check into one place, either as one trip with five consecutive nights or with several nights away throughout the summer.
The Summer Flee – 10 nights
€750 Buy
The Summer Flee allows you to choose between more than 100 hotels at over 50 destinations. Stay at ten different hotels or check into one place, either as one trip with ten consecutive nights or with several nights away throughout the summer.“

Die Bedingungen:

„The offer is personal. You need to buy the pass, book a room and check in with the same name. You must provide ID when you check in. Bookings can be cancelled until 4pm on the scheduled arrival day. Cancellations are to be made on our website. If you book a night here and do not have a hotel pass when you check in, you will need to pay the daily rate for the room. In order to be able to use your hotel pass when you check in, you have to have booked your stay via this page. Breakfast is included at all hotels except at our Comfort Hotel Xpress. We cannot guarantee that all hotels will be open on all dates. Bonus points and qualifying nights can be earned and provided as normal.“

Der Stay Zeitraum:

„Available for stay:
1 Jun 2021 – 31 Aug 2021
21 Apr 2021 – 30 Aug 2021“

[button link=““ color=“silver“ newwindow=“yes“] The Summer Flee[/button]

Schau doch mal in der größten deutschsprachigen Gruppe für Vielreisende vorbei: Vielflieger Lounge – Tipps & Tricks für Vielflieger

Kommentare 1
  1. Erfahrungsgemäß kosten die Standardzimmer in den meisten Nordic Choice Hotels etwa 100-150 EUR pro Nacht. Der Deal ist also ziemlich gut :-)

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