Boeing und Collins Aerospace gestalten die Flugzeugtoilette der Zukunft

Wand, Im Haus, Badezimmer, Licht, Decke

Bei Boeing und Collins Aerospace entsteht die Zukunft der Flugzeugtoiletten …

Wand, Im Haus, Badezimmer, Licht, Decke

Collins Aerospace entwerfen für die kommende Generation der Boeing 737 neue Nassräume. Sie sollen einfacher zu warten sein. Hauptfeature wird kontaktlose Bedienung.

Die Infos:

„The Boeing Company has selected Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies (NYSE: RTX) business to be the long-term provider of next-generation lavatories for the 737 family of aircraft.
The new lavatory incorporates a modular design and customization opportunities for trim, finish and lighting and includes touchless functionality, the latest micro-LED lighting technology and a centralized computing system to optimize the passenger experience, improve airline operability and help pave the way for future technology integration.

The next-generation lavatory is expected to be available on new 737 airplanes beginning in 2025, with installation available in 12 separate airplane locations and several different lavatory variations to choose from, including an accessible lavatory for passengers of all mobilities.
The clean sheet design, combined with the high levels of modularity and customization, allows airlines flexibility in choosing their desired solution, with a clear path to future technology integration and improved passenger amenities.
A lavatory supplier on Boeing 737 airplanes since 2013, Collins’ next-generation lavatory is an innovative evolution of its previous iteration of 737 lavatories, incorporating:
An advanced, modular design provides maximum change flexibility, efficiently. Modules can be replaced within hours, allowing upgrades to occur over time or lessors to quickly cater changes dependent on their specific operator.
Customization and an expanded option catalog give customers a large selection of à la carte offerings to create a more bespoke final product, unique to their fleet of aircraft.
Sensor and infrared-enabled touchless technologies are activated with the wave of a hand. A touchless faucet comes standard, with touchless amenities such as toilet flush, waste bin, soap dispenser and toilet seat / lid as upgrade options.
An advanced centralized computing system controls the suite of touchless components and can be scaled to provide component health monitoring, predictive maintenance, amenity management and modularity, allowing for future integration of additional features.“

Zur Pressemitteilung: Boeing selects Collins Aerospace as next-generation lavatory supplier for the 737

Waschbecken, Im Haus, Hahn, Spiegel, Wand, Installationszubehör, Arbeitsfläche, Inneneinrichtung, Haltevorrichtung, Fenster, Badezimmer, Design Waschbecken, Im Haus, Badezimmer, Toilette

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Foto: Collins Aerospace

Kommentare 2
  1. Und noch enger? Damit man dann eigentlich gar nicht mehr hineinpasst. Warum nicht gleich das Waschbecken wieder über der Toilette wie in der alten B747 der LH? Dann passt bestimmt noch eine Reihe mehr in den Flieger.

  2. Als hätte die 737-Reihe sonst keine Probleme. Vielleicht sind die neuen Toiletten ja bruchsicher, dann kann man sie bei einem Absturz einfach ausbauen und in einem neuen Flieger wiederverwerten

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