Einen Royal Air Maroc Safar Flyer Oneworld Status über einen Match sichern …
Royal Air Maroc gibt im Safar Flyer Programm einen Status Match aus. Abgewickelt wird durch die neue Platform Statusmatch.com. Kosten belaufen sich auf 49 Euro. Dafür erhält man dann aber auch einen Oneworld Status bis Ende März 2023.
Die Infos:
„What is the Royal Air Maroc Safar Flyer Status Match promotion?
Royal Air Maroc in partnership with StatusMatch.com, offers participants who hold a frequent flyer status in eligible airline’s frequent flyer programmes an equivalent frequent flyer status in the Safar Flyer programme of Gold or Silver. Eligible member can apply at safarflyerstatusmatch.com
Do I have to be a Safar Flyer member to participate?
Yes, a Safar Flyer membership number is required to participate in the promotion. You can enroll in the Safar Flyer programme here.
How much does it cost to apply?
The Safar Flyer Status Match application fee is EUR49.00 to verify and validate your application.
How long does it take for my Safar Flyer account to be upgraded after applying?
Your new elite status will reflect on your Safar Flyer account within 5 business days of approval.
How long do I get Silver/Gold Safar Flyer status for if approved for a Status Match?
Your newly approved elite status with Safar Flyer will be valid until 31 March 2023. To retain elite status past this date you must re-qualify for the elite tiers as per the published program requirements.
Do I need to complete any flights to get Safar Flyer elite status?
There are no flight requirements for this offer. Every approved status match will receive elite status good through the end of March 2023.
What status tier will I get matched to?
Safar Flyer is offerring Silver and Gold status matches on a ‚like for like‘ basis. During the application process, the system will inform you which is the highest status tier that you are eligibile to receive.
What are the benefits of Safar Flyer elite status?
The Safar Flyer elite benefits, including oneworld benefits can be viewed here
I am an existing Safar Flyer elite member (not status matched), and have a higher status with an eligible airline. Can I get an upgrade?
No. Existing status holders with Safar Flyer status are not elgible under this promotion.
I successfully status matched with Safar Flyer and since then, my other airline status has been upgraded to an even higher tier, can I get my status updated/upgraded?
No. Status Matches are calculated on the tier you hold at the time of application. If you are, for example, about to be upgraded to the next tier with your airline – we recommend applying for the Status Match after you have that higher tier in your account.
I am an elite tier holder with an airline that is not listed as an eligible airline, can I get a status match?
No. Only eligible airline status holders are eligible.
Can I apply on behalf of someone else?
No. Only the Safar Flyer account holder may apply. Third party applications will be rejected.
What happens if my application is not successful?
Applicants that are not successful will be notified by email with 3 days of the application. You must hold real, valid elite status with an eligible loyalty program to have your application approved.
What will charges appear on my credit card statement as?
All fees will appear as „STATUSMATCH.COM“ and billed in EURO. Some banks may charge you an additional fee for foreign exchange rates please check with your bank if you are unsure. We cannot control any fees your bank may levy on you.
When does the Status Match promotion end?
The Status Match offer is available until 31 May 2022 11:59pm Central European Time (CET), however, the promotion may end sooner without warning or notice.“
Zur Promo Page: Apply for a Safar Flyer status match today
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hehe, thx, ow saphire vom ba silver über ita zu emerald upgegraded xD
Bieten die auch einen Match etwa auf platinum an?!
So wie ich das lese ist Gold = sapphire das maximale?!
@Xadria, Farbenschwäche meinerseits, sah nach Grün aus. Nein du hast recht, dann bleibt es wohl bei Backup-Saphire. Zu früh gefreut, schade.
Irgendwie lässt sich allerdings kein Account anlegen (Your request failed to complete.) – dies scheint bei anderen auch schon etwas sauer aufzustoßen. Hat jemand einen Workaround (verschiedene Browser/Telefon überall dasselbe)…
Hat eben bei mir geklappt. Benötigte zwar 2 Versuche da PW-Eingabe scheinbar tricky ist, aber jetzt ging es den Account anzulegen.
Kleines Update:
Gold gibt es nicht mehr – nur noch Silver.
Gerade erfolgreich von ITA Plus vollzogen.
Besten Dank für den Tipp. Habe bis 02/23 mehrere Z zwischen USA und LHR und hätte für alle Zubringer Gepäck zahlen müssen.
Das waren gut angelegte 49€
In den Bedingungen ist Gold noch angeführt. Haben sie das geantwortet?
Kam bei der Beantragung ein dicker „Important“ Hinweis. Da stand es bereits vorab.
Mist – wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.
Hätte ich mir doch sparen können den Silver, da Freigepäck nur mit Air Maroc ist – die fliege ich nun nicht wirklich.
Silver benefits on Royal Air Maroc flights: „Take along an extra bag weighing up to 23 kg“