Etihad Guest verkauft Meilen mit einem Bonus …
Etihad Guest verkauft wieder mal Meilen mit einem Bonus. Leider hat Etihad Guest im März viele Sweet Spots mit einer neuen Meilentabelle gekillt. Nach dieser Veränderung muss man jetzt wirklich ganz genau rechnen und Preis eines Tickets mit dem Wert gekaufter Meilen gegenüberstellen.
Die Bedingungen:
„The Promotion provides an Eligible Member with the opportunity to earn a percentage of the Etihad Guest Miles purchased as an additional complimentary bonus (the “Bonus Miles”) during the Promotion Period from 00.01 GST on 19th June 2023 to 23.59 GST on the 24th June 2023. The Bonus Miles an Eligible Member can earn will be based upon the number of Etihad Guest Miles purchased (the “Offer”). This Offer is available only for transactions made to Buy Miles on via the Points Platform, Etihad Guest Contact Centres and cannot be applied in combination with another offer that may be available on the Buy Miles product. Etihad Guest Miles bought through this Offer will count towards the combined maximum limit that a member can purchase for self in a calendar year.“
Die Höchstmenge:
100.000 Meilen + 50.000 Meilen = 150.000 Meilen: 1.868 Euro
Zur Sale Page: Buy Miles
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