Bei Choice Privileges Punkte mit einem Bonus kaufen …

Choice Privileges hat wieder mal einen Punktesale laufen. Gerade für Hotels in Skandinavien macht der Umweg über Choice Punkte durchwegs Sinn. 35% Bonus ist ein ganz guter Wert, aber nicht der beste Wert.
Die Bedingungen:
„Transactions must be completed between 12 AM EST September 8, 2023 and 11:59 PM EST September 22, 2023 to be eligible for this Bonus offer. Actual Bonus varies depends upon the number of points purchased; purchases under a certain amount do not receive a bonus. There is a 6,000 point purchase minimum that applies. Must be a Choice Privileges® Rewards Program member; Points will be posted to your Choice Privileges account within 24 hours after your transaction is complete. Purchased points do not count toward Elite Status or Lifetime Elite Gold Status. Transactions are final and non-refundable. Offer may not be valid for all members. All other terms and conditions of the Choice Privileges Rewards Program apply. Choice Hotels reserves the right to amend these terms or terminate this promotion at any time. Price includes all applicable fees. A GST/HST charge applies to purchases by Canadian residents. An additional QST charge applies to purchases by Quebec residents. Purchased points are not refundable and are applicable towards all Choice Privileges rewards.“
Die Höchstmenge:
180.000 Punkte + 63.000 Punkte = 243.000 Punkte: 1.730 Euro
Zur Sale Page: Get up to 35% more points right now
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