Bei British Airways hat man die Uniformen erneuert …

Man kann bei British Airways sicher über viel diskutieren. Stilsicher ist diese Airline aber definitiv. Nun gibt es nach 20 Jahren neue Uniformen.
Die Infos:
„British Airways has unveiled a new uniform for the first time in nearly 20 years
Designed by British, Ghanaian Savile Row fashion designer and tailor Ozwald Boateng, OBE, Boateng spent time shadowing colleagues in their roles at the airline to create the unique collection
More than 1,500 British Airways’ colleagues inputted into the design and testing of the new collection over the last four years, with secret trials in the air and on the ground
Boateng has developed unique bespoke fabrics and designs for the collection, taking inspiration from the airline’s people and the experience of flight
British Airways has today unveiled a new uniform to take the airline into its next chapter. The collection of garments, created by British fashion designer and tailor Ozwald Boateng OBE, will be worn by more than 30,000 of the airline’s colleagues from Spring 2023.“
Das Promo Video:
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