Die Flying Blue Promo Awards für den Februar sind da …

Nachdem Flying Blue bei den Promo Awards uns sehr zappeln hat lassen, gibt es im Februar 2023 wieder eine gute Liste. Man bietet auch auf die Business bis 25% Rabatt. Leider sind die echten Meilenwerte nur durch Abfrage ermittelbar. Bei Flying Blue gibt es ja keine fixe Meilentabelle mehr und 25% Rabatt von einem Wert den wir gar nicht kennen ist schwierig zu berechnen.
Buchungszeitraum: Februar 2023
Reisezeitraum: bis 29.06.2023
Ziele mit 25% Rabatt für die Business:
- Boston
- Chicago
- Austin
- Bamako
- Houston
- San Francisco
- Johannesburg
- Bogota
- Pointe a Pitre
- Lagos
- Kapstadt
- Aruba
- Cayenne
Die Bedingungen:
„Promo reward tickets must be booked via www.airfrance.com or www.klm.com (except for bookings for minors travelling alone or when travelling with an infant under the age of 2, in these cases bookings must be made by calling customer service).
Promo reward tickets issued before 29 June 2022 can be changed or cancelled free of charge. Promo reward tickets issued as of 29 June 2022 can be changed or cancelled for a fee of €50. For details, contact customer service.
Promo reward tickets are subject to the operating airline’s general conditions of carriage.
Promo reward tickets are available for one-way and round-trip tickets paid with Miles (Promo reward tickets are not available for purchase with Miles & Cash).
Promo reward tickets are subject to availability.
Displayed Miles Fares for Long Haul destinations are for flights to/from Paris or Amsterdam.
Promo reward tickets for long haul-flights depart from or arrive in Europe, as defined by IATA as the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Balearic Islands, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, West Russia.
Due to COVID-19 we have an updated rebook policy for Promo rewards, which you can read here: https://www.flyingblue.com/en/news/rebook-policy“
Zur Promo Page: This month’s Promo rewards
– Aktuelle Kreditkarten Deals –
75.000 Membership Rewards Punkte mit der American Express Platinum Business (Deutschland)
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Hier beantragen: American Express Business Platinum Card mit 75.000 Membership Rewards Punkten
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