Qatar Privilege Club gibt Bonusmeilen aus …

Qatar Privilege Club hat eine Promo für Buchungen über ihre Page laufen. Die erste Buchung bringt 2.000 Bonus-Avios. Wie gewohnt können wir die dann auch zu British Airways Executive Club transferieren.
Die Infos:
„Qatar Airways is offering 2,000 more reasons to book your flight online. Earn 2,000 bonus Avios when you make your first online booking and 500 bonus Avios for each subsequent online booking.“
Die Bedingungen:
„Bonus Avios are applicable for bookings completed and paid online at Bonus Avios are not valid on award tickets or where payment is made offline.
To ensure that you receive your bonus Avios, please provide your membership number when booking on
If the booking includes membership numbers for two or more passengers, then the bonus Avios will be credited to the membership accounts of all passengers provided they are Privilege Club main members and have advised their membership numbers at the time of booking.
Family members are not eligible for online booking bonus Avios.
Membership numbers must be provided at the time of booking to entitle you to bonus Avios.
Bonus Avios will be credited to your account only after completion of flight; and after the flight accrual is done under your Privilege Club account.“
Zur Promo Page: Earn 2,000 bonus Avios on your first online booking
Die Infos:
„Once you have earned 2,000 bonus Avios with your first online booking on, you will further earn 500 bonus Avios for each subsequent online booking.“
Die Bedingungen:
„Bonus Avios are applicable for bookings completed and paid online at Bonus Avios are not valid on award tickets or where payment is made offline.
To ensure that you receive your bonus Avios, please provide your membership number when booking on
If the booking includes membership numbers for two or more passengers, then the bonus Avios will be credited to the membership accounts of all passengers provided they are Privilege Club main members and have advised their membership numbers at the time of booking.
Family members are not eligible for online booking bonus Avios.
Membership numbers must be provided at the time of booking to entitle you to bonus Avios.
Bonus Avios will be credited to your account upon the completion of your flight.“
Zur Promo Page: Earn 500 bonus Avios for each online booking
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