80% BONUS bei IHG One Rewards Punktesale

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Gebäude, Wasserweg, Wasser, Kanal, Reise, Wasserstraße, Schiff, Fahrzeug, See, Fluss, Stadt, Boot, Wasserfahrzeug

IHG One Rewards verkauft Punkte mit einem Bonus …

draußen, Himmel, Wolke, Gebäude, Wasserweg, Wasser, Kanal, Reise, Wasserstraße, Fahrzeug, Schiff, See, Fluss, Boot, Stadt, Groß, Wasserfahrzeug

Es ist wieder Zeit für einen IHG One Rewards Punktesale. Normalerweise sehen wir einen 100% Bonus. Angesichts der kommenden Sommerreisezeit hat man nur einen 80% aufgelegt.

Es lohnt sich sehr zu rechnen. Gerade bei den dynamischen Einlösungen bei IHG One Rewards muss man wirklich aufpassen. Ein Umweg über Punkte kann aber natürlich definitiv Sinn machen.

Die Bedingungen:

„This Offer is available for qualifying purchases of IHG One Rewards points made between 12:00 AM ET on April 24, 2023 and 11:59 PM ET June 7, 2023 inclusive. Members will receive a bonus of 80% of the points purchased when they meet a minimum points purchase threshold on a per transaction basis.(Please click through to access the landing page for the Offer.) The number of points a member may purchase, gift, or receive as a gift during the Offer Period is subject to promotional period limits. Members may purchase a maximum of up to 250,000 points during the promotional period, depending on how many points the member had already purchased during the same calendar year. For example, if a member had previously purchased 50,000 points in 2023, then the member could only purchase up to a maximum of 200,000 points during the Offer Period and would be eligible to receive the applicable percentage of additional bonus points under this Offer based only on the amount of points purchased during the Offer Period. Similar limits apply to gifting points and receiving points as a gift: Members may gift up to a maximum of 250,000 points, or receive as gifts from other members a combined maximum of up to 250,000 points, during the Offer Period, subject to reduction by the number of points that have been already gifted, or received as a gift, in the same calendar year.“

Die Höchstmenge:

250.000 Punkte + 200.000 Punkte = 450.000 Punkte: 2.270 Euro

Zur Sale Page: Buy points

Stolzer Erfinder der Freizeit! Seit 2011 helfe ich Millionen Besuchern ihre Reisen zu optimieren! Stay connected! Abonniere doch meine neue private Facebook Gruppe: Meilen – Punkte – Upgrades – Status – Deals

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