Bei British Airways gibt es Flüge nur mit Avios Einlösungen …

Qantas hat es vorgemacht und British Airways kopiert die Idee. Man bietet nun Flüge die nur mit Executive Club als Meileneinlösung gebucht werden können. Sharm El Sheikh und Genf machen den Anfang.
Die Infos:
„British Airways has launched its first Avios-Only flights, on which 100% of the seats are exclusively available to Executive Club Members as Reward Seats.
The first Avios-Only flight will be the inaugural flight from London Gatwick to Sharm El Sheikh on 3 November 2023, followed by a selection of flights from London Heathrow to Geneva in February and March 2024. More routes will be announced throughout 2023
Return flights to Sharm El Sheikh will be from as little as £1 + 27,500 Avios per person, with an option to reduce this even further with a Companion Voucher. Club Europe (business class) fares start from £1 + 48,500 Avios. The Egyptian holiday hotspot recently became the latest addition to the network of British Airways’ London Gatwick-based subsidiary, BA Euroflyer.
Following this, the next Avios-Only flights will be the BA728 from London Heathrow to Geneva on the dates below. Flights will be from £1 + 18,500 Avios per person, with options from £1 + 30,000 Avios in Club Europe. The respective BA729 return flights will operate as Avios-Only flights a week later.
10 February 2024
17 February 2024
24 February 2024
02 March 2024
Reward Seats are those that can be purchased using Avios at static rates. British Airways guarantees a minimum of 12 and 14 Reward Seats on short and long-haul flights respectively, and this will be the first flight with every seat available to purchase using Avios. Members booking the Avios-Only flight can do so in any cabin as they normally would through, with a selection of return options available as Reward Seats.“
Nette PR-Aktion. Den Umstand, dass vielleicht gerade ein wenig zu viele Meilen im Umlauf sind, wird man so nur schwierig lösen können.
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