Die Einreise nach China wird einfacher …
Die letzten Covid-19 Einreisebeschränkungen fallen. China hat den PCR Test gestrichen.
Nun reicht ein Antigentest. Über ein Formular muss man diesen Test bestätigen und den Gesundheitszustand erklären. Ob ein Heimtest auch genügt, das ist gerade ein wenig unklar.
Die Infos:
„I.Tests before departure
All China-bound travelers are required to take nucleic acid test (PCR) or Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) for COVID-19 within 48 hours before boarding, and can only travel to China when the test result is negative or after it turns from positive to negative.
ll.Health Declaration to China Customs
Travelers are required to declare the negative test result to China Customs by filling the Health Declaration Form onthe WeChat miniprogram of China Customs (scan the QR code below), or at https://htdecl.chinaport.gov.cn, or via the China Customs APP.
Ill.Airline companies are not required to check the negative PCR or RAT test results.
IV. Self-protection on the Aircraft
Travelers are cordially recommended to wear masks throughout the flight and take good personal protection to reduce the risk of infection.
V. Inspection upon Entry
Travelers can go through customs with the health declaration results, and China Customs will conduct random sampling inspections according to a certain proportion. If there are anomalies in your health declaration or you are showing symptoms such as fever, you are required to take a test by China Customs.
VI. After-entry Epidemic Prevention and Control
After entry into China, you will have to strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and control requirements of the place where you stay.“
Zur Info Page: Guide on Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures For China-bound Travelers
Zur Deklarationspage: Health Declaration
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Ich weiß, es klingt schon sehr danach, aber so richtig eindeutig lese ich nicht heraus, dass ein Selbsttest reicht.