British Airways Executive Club führt Avios Booster ein

Fahrzeug, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Transport, draußen, Himmel, Verkehrsflugzeug, Rad, Dienstleistung, Flugreise, Airline, Flughafen, Reifen, Flugplatzvorfeld, Düsentriebwerk, halten, Flugzeugtriebwerk, Verkehrsmittel, Frachtverkehr, Düsenflugzeug, Luftfahrttechnik, Lastwagen, Landfahrzeug, Schmalrumpfflugzeug, Luftfahrt, Straße, Fluggastbrücke, Flugzeug, Landeklappe, Runway, Jet, Asphalt, Groß, Gelände, Blau

Bei British Airways Executive Club gibt ein neues Feature …

Fahrzeug, Platane Flugzeug Hobel, Transport, draußen, Verkehrsflugzeug, Himmel, Dienstleistung, Airline, Rad, Flugreise, Flughafen, Düsentriebwerk, halten, Flugplatzvorfeld, Reifen, Verkehrsmittel, Flugzeugtriebwerk, Düsenflugzeug, Frachtverkehr, Luftfahrttechnik, Landfahrzeug, Lastwagen, Schmalrumpfflugzeug, Luftfahrt, Straße, Fluggastbrücke, Flugzeug, Landeklappe, Runway, Jet, Asphalt, Blau, Groß, Gelände

Bei British Airways Executive Club gibt es eine neue Variante Avios zu kaufen. Man kann die innerhalb von 30 Tage gesammelten Avios „boostern“ und so Avios kaufen.

Hier die Werte:

Text, Screenshot, Zahl, Schrift, Reihe

Im besten Fall kauft man sich so 1.000 Avios für 11,1 Euro. Avios aus Sales und transferierte Avios sind leider ausgenommen. Man kann gesammelte Avios auch nur einmal „boostern“.

Die Bedingungen:

„Balance Booster 10% bonus will end on 31 July 2023 at 23:59 (BST).
Avios can be boosted within 30 days of appearing in your British Airways Executive Club account.
Pending Avios can’t be boosted.
Each transaction can only be boosted once.
The first 300,000 boosted Avios are priced at our cheapest buying rate. Once the amount is reached, higher pricing applies. See the pricing list for details.
Not all transactions are eligible for boosting. Exclusions are balance transfers from other airlines, Nectar exchanges, Avios shared or gifted by other members and previously bought Avios.
We reserve the right to amend the Balance Booster terms and conditions at anytime which can include, but not be limited to, maximum annual amounts that can be bought, eligible and ineligible transactions, balance booster pricing.
Balance Booster Avios may be amended from time to time for promotional activity.
The Purchaser will be able to spend Avios when they appear as credited in the Purchaser’s Executive Club account. There may be occasions where there is a delay of up to 3 working days in the Avios being credited to your account. If after this time you haven’t received your Avios, please let us know via the Contact Us form at the bottom of the Buy Avios page.
Avios can only be bought on using the Buy Avios feature.
The transaction currency will be pre-determined and based on the registered country of the British Airways Executive Club account.
The Purchaser must be a member of the British Airways Executive Club and age 18 years or over.
The Purchaser must have at least one Avios in their Executive Club account to buy Avios. If the Purchaser has a balance of zero Avios, they’ll need to have collected or redeemed Avios in the past 36 months in order to buy Avios.
The Purchaser will be unable to buy Avios if they have a negative balance.
Purchasing Avios will reset the 36-month Avios expiry rule, as set out in the British Airways Executive Club Terms and Conditions.
You have the right to cancel contracts for the purchase of Avios within 14 days of purchase, provided the Avios haven’t been used. To exercise the right to cancel the purchase of Avios, you must select the refund option contained in your transaction email confirmation. If you cancel, we’ll reimburse the entire payment within 14 days from the day on which we were informed about your decision to cancel this contract.
Avios which are subsequently refunded will not constitute activity for the purposes of the 36-month Avios expiry rule in the Terms and Conditions.
In the case of fraud or misconduct, both as defined in the Terms and Conditions, British Airways reserves the right at any time in its absolute discretion to terminate the membership of any member and may cancel all accrued and accruing Avios of the member and any reward booking.“

Zur Promo Page: Buy, gift or share Avios

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