British Airways eröffnet Rosewein Pop-Up Bar

Text, Im Haus, Wand, Inneneinrichtung, Vase, Boden, Decke, Blume

In einer British Airways Lounge wartet nun eine Rosewein Bar …

Im Haus, Text, Wand, Inneneinrichtung, Vase, Boden, Blume, Decke

Ein wenig für die Hauptreisezeit verspätet hat sich British Airways was einfallen lassen. In der Business Lounge bei den B Gastes in Terminal 5 hat man eine Pop-Up Bar für Rosewein eröffnet. In weiterer Folge will man diese Lounge auch renovieren.

Die Infos:

„British Airways has opened its exclusive Whispering Angel rosé bar for customers travelling through its lounge at the B gates at London Heathrow Terminal 5 (Terminal 5B)
The introduction of the new rosé bar marks the first phase of the airline’s refresh of the lounge
The airline has also recently introduced Whispering Angel’s big brother, Rock Angel, in its First cabin, making an appearance on the British Airways’ wine menu
13th July 2023 – British Airways’ highly anticipated Whispering Angel bar, located in the airline’s lounge in Terminal 5 at the B gates, has opened in time for the peak summer season.
British Airways is the first airline to have a bespoke Whispering Angel bar, allowing customers to enjoy a chilled glass of the famous rosé that originates in the Provence vineyards of Château d’Esclans before their flight.
The opening of the exclusive bar marks the first phase of British Airways’ continued refresh of this lounge over the summer months, which will include new and reupholstered furniture across the lounge, as well as a new layout.
Across the rest of the airline’s Club (Business Class) lounges at Heathrow and Gatwick, eligible British Airways customers can enjoy The Pale rosé, which is produced by the same winemakers as Whispering Angel. Whispering Angel is currently available in British Airways’ Concorde, First and Club lounges.“

Quelle: Pressemitteilung

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