Viele Emirates Statusmeilen mit Dubai City Check-in

Text, Gebäude, Person, Schuhwerk, Einkaufszentrum, Im Haus, Decke, Flughafen, Menschen, Boden, stehend, Schild

Ein City Check-in in Dubai bringt viele Tier Miles …

Text, Person, Gebäude, Einkaufszentrum, Im Haus, Schuhwerk, Decke, Flughafen, Boden, Menschen, stehend

Emirates bewirbt gerade den City Check-in in Dubai. Wer dort eincheckt (ACHTUNG: Kein online Check-in vorher!) erhält doch eine beträchtliche Anzahl an Statusmeilen.

Die Infos:

„This summer, you can fast track to the next tier with 20% of the Tier Miles you need to move up to Silver or maintain your elite tier membership. Simply check in at the Emirates City Check‑in and Travel Store in ICD Brookfield Place in DIFC to earn Tier Miles at check‑in.
Avoid the summer travel rush at the airport. Check in for your flight or drop your bags easily and conveniently as early as 24 hours and up to 4 hours before departure. There are many ways to check in at Emirates City Check‑in and Travel Store. You can use our self check‑in and baggage drop kiosks. Let Sara, our robot check‑in assistant, guide you through the process. Or drop by the check‑in desks to speak to our friendly agents.
And once you’ve checked in, you’ll earn 5,000 bonus Tier Miles as an Emirates Skywards Blue or Silver member. 10,000 bonus Tier Miles as a Gold member, and 30,000 bonus Tier Miles as a Platinum member.
Add your membership number to your booking now to fast track to Silver tier membership just by checking in at Emirates City Check‑in and Travel Store.“

Zur Promo Page: Earn Tier Miles at check-in

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