IHG Sale für Europa, Asien und pazifischen Raum …

Bei IHG hat man einen großen Sale für Europa, Asien und den pazifischen Raum gestartet. Man lockt mit 20% Rabatt für IHG One Rewards Mitglieder.
Die Infos:
„Members save 20%
Become a member to earn rewards and save 20% off our Best Flex Rate with the Book Early and Save Member rate.
Limited-time offer
Book by June 27 and stay by September 30 to save. Non-members save 15% off our Best Flex Rate with the Book Early and Save rate.
The detail
Minimum of 3 days‘ advanced booking. Non-refundable deposit required in full at time of booking. Cancellations or changes not applicable.“
Die Bedingungen:
„Seize the sunshine Book Early and Save offer (the “Offer”) is valid only for selected bookings made between June 13 until June 27, 2024 (the “Booking Dates”) for stays at participating IHG® branded hotels in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Europe, Asia (excluding India and Japan) and Pacific islands from the June 16, 2024 until September 30, 2024 for non-members and between June 16, 2024 until June 1, 2025 (the “Stay Dates”) using the “Book Early and Save” or “Book Early and Save – IHG® Rewards Member Rate”, during the Booking Dates.
The Offer enables a discount at participating hotels of minimum 15% off the hotel’s Best Flexible Rate, which is an unrestricted, non-qualified, non-discount rate. Members save an additional 6% off our Best Flexible Rate at all participating hotels, for a total minimum saving of 20%. Rates are per room, per night based on single or double occupancy and are subject to availability during the Stay Dates. Additional charges may apply for upgraded room types.
Bookings must be made at least three days in advance of arrival and are non-refundable and cannot be changed, with full payment for the entire stay to be made at time of booking. If you do not arrive at your hotel to check-in on your arrival date, your booking will be cancelled, and you will not receive a refund. Check at the time of your reservation to be sure you are booking the most suitable rate for your travel needs.“
Zur Promo Page: Make Europe, Asia or the Pacific islands your playground this summer
Aktuelle Kreditkartendeals
American Express Platinum Business mit 100.000 Membership Rewards Punkten (sehr guter BONUS)
Metallkarte – 200 Euro Dell Guthaben – 200 Euro Reiseguthaben – 200 Euro Sixt Ride Guthaben – Statuslevel – Priority Pass Mitgliedschaften – Lounge Zugang zu Lufthansa und Delta Lounges – Versicherungspaket – Vorteile bei Buchung bei Condor – 100.000 Membership Rewards Punkte – Upgrade von anderen Amex Karten möglich!
Hier beantragen: American Express Business Platinum Card mit 100.000 Membership Rewards Punkten
American Express Platinum mit 65.000 Membership Rewards Punkten (sehr guter BONUS)
Metallkarte – 150 Euro Restaurantguthaben – 120 Euro Entertainment Guthaben – 200 Euro Reiseguthaben – 200 Euro Sixt Ride Guthaben – 90 Euro Net-a-Porter Guthaben – Statuslevel – Priority Pass Mitgliedschaften – Lounge Zugang zu Lufthansa und Delta Lounges – Versicherungspaket – Vorteile bei Buchung bei Condor – 65.000 Membership Rewards Punkte – Upgrade von anderen Amex Karten möglich!
Zur Beantragung: Die Platinum Card mit 65.000 Membership Rewards Punkten hier abschließen!
American Express Gold mit 50.000 Membership Rewards Punkten (bester BONUS ever!)
Versicherungspaket – geringere Kosten – 50.000 Membership Rewards Punkte
Zur Beantragung: Die Gold Card mit 50.000 Membership Rewards Punkten hier abschließen!