Air India überarbeitet die Business …

Wer in Indien mit Stil unterwegs sein möchte, wird an der regionalen Air India Business nicht vorbeikommen. Da hat man gute News. Die Couchsessel in den A320 Produkten kommen neu.

Die Infos:
„Air India, India’s leading global airline, today unveiled a three-
class configuration on its newly inducted narrowbody aircraft. Air India’s A320neo aircraft will
now offer a new Business, an all-new Premium Economy and a new Economy cabin experience
on domestic and short-haul international routes.
Air India has refitted two new A320neo aircraft – VT-RTW and VT-RTZ – in a three-class
configuration featuring 8 luxurious seats in Business, 24 extra legroom seats in Premium
Economy and 132 comfortable seats in Economy, offering wider choice to its guests. With this,
Air India introduces Premium Economy cabins for the first time on narrowbody aircraft.
Subtle cabin mood lighting, spacious legroom and wider pitch, and modern features, like
portable electronic device (PED) holders and USB ports to charge mobile phones, laptops and
other gadgets, among others will contribute significantly to offer guests, in all three cabins, an
inflight experience that is tailored to the needs of today’s discerning flyers.
Air India has plans to introduce the three-class configuration to its entire full service narrowbody
fleet over the next year. Existing aircraft are now being progressively inducted for refit, while
new aircraft joining the fleet will be delivered with the new Air India experience.“
Quelle: Pressemitteilung
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