Über einen neuen Weg Marriott Bonvoy Punkte kaufen …

Marriott Bonvoy hat ein neues Feature freigeschalten. Mit Points Multiplier kauft man bis vierfache Punkteanzahl der innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate gesammelten Punkteanzahl.
Derzeit gibt es einen 25% Rabatt und so ersteht man gerade um ca. 8,50 Euro jeweils 1.000 Punkte. Gleichzeitig hat Marriott Bonvoy aber auch einen Punktesale mit einem 40% Bonus laufen. Über den klassischen Punktesale kauft man um 8 Euro die 1.000 Punkte.
Also derzeit ist der Weg über Punktekauf günstiger. Vielleicht wird man beim Points Multiplier auch mal höhere Rabatte sehen, dann wäre der interessant. Daneben zählen die Punkte über Points Multiplier nicht zum Limit für den Punktekauf bei Marriott Bonvoy.
Die Bedingungen:
„The Offer is available to Marriott Bonvoy members with eligible earned points(1) from a qualifying stay(2) within the past 12 months.
The Offer is refreshed on a monthly basis based on the member’s latest qualifying stay.
The Points purchased through this offer may only be multiplied when purchased through the “Multiplier” Offer page.
Offers displayed on this page are customized for each member, tailored specifically based on the points earned and activities during their most recent eligible stay, relative to the monthly Offer refresh.
The minimum number of points earned per qualifying stay to be eligible for this Offer is 1,000 points.
The maximum number of Points a member can purchase annually under the Offer is 100,000 Points
This is an exclusive, nontransferable Offer for the intended recipient only, and it may not be forwarded.
Marriott Bonvoy reserves the right to change or terminate this promotion at any time.
A member can concurrently purchase on the Multiplier page and participate in other point purchase promotions.
Rates and other applicable fees for the Offer are subject to change without notice. Goods and Service Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) will be added for residents of Canada. Quebec Sales Tax (QST) will be added for purchases made by residents of Quebec as well as Goods Service Tax (GST).
If Marriott Bonvoy points are purchased through the Offer, the transaction will appear as Points Purchase Multiply Base Points or Points Purchase Multiply Bonus Points on their account activity.
Once a member completes a transaction on the Offer, the promotion will not be offered again until the member completes a subsequent qualifying stay, and the Offer is refreshed.
The site is powered by Points.com Inc. All charges for multiply will appear with the description „Marriott by Points“ on your credit card statement.
*Program Rules
In 2024, members may purchase a maximum of 100,000 Points per calendar year when purchased through this “Multiply Points” webpage. “Multiply Points” is separate from purchased through our Buy Points and Gift Points pages (this website), Buy Points Points.com-powered window on Marriott websites, Marriott Mobile Apps or the Customer Engagement Centers. Each of these channels have individual product limits.
Points earned through a promotion on this page are not included in the annual purchase limit of 100,000 Points purchased through the Points.com-powered window on Marriott websites, Marriott Mobile Apps or the Customer Engagement Centers.
Purchased Points do not count toward Marriott Bonvoy® Elite Status.
Purchase rate is $12.50 USD per 1,000 Points.
Points will be posted to the Member’s Account within 72 hours after the transaction is complete.
A member must be an active member in good standing to purchase and/or receive Points.
New members may purchase Points thirty (30) days after enrollment in the Marriott Bonvoy program.
Once Points have been purchased, no refunds will be permitted.
Purchasing Points using Marriott Bonvoy™ cobrand credit cards will earn Points as an everyday purchase (CITIC cobrand cards issued in Greater China are excluded).
All Marriott Bonvoy Program Rules apply and can be found at https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi.
For members purchasing Points using a foreign currency, Points are sold in U.S. dollars (US$). Points can be redeemed globally for stays at hotels that participate in Marriott Bonvoy, as well as with third-party programs that have a business relationship with Marriott Bonvoy, such as airline frequent flyer programs. Learn more about the Marriott Bonvoy program here and ways to redeem your Points here. Please refer to your credit card company for foreign exchange rates. Once Points are purchased, Purchaser’s credit card statement will reflect payment in their home currency on an itemized line displaying the foreign exchange rate charged by their issuing bank.“
Zur Promo Page: Select Your Multiplier
Derzeit noch eine kleine Spielerei. Wie immer muss man rechnen. Der Umweg über Punktekauf kann interessant sein, muss es aber nicht. Wenn dann mal ein höherer Bonus ausgelobt wird, schaut die Sache anders aus.
Aktuelle Kreditkartendeals
American Express Platinum mit 55.000 Membership Rewards Punkten (guter BONUS)
Metallkarte – 150 Euro Restaurantguthaben – 200 Euro Reiseguthaben – 200 Euro Sixt Ride Guthaben – 90 Euro Net-a-Porter Guthaben – Statuslevel – Priority Pass Mitgliedschaften – Lounge Zugang zu Lufthansa und Delta Lounges – Versicherungspaket – Vorteile bei Buchung bei Condor – 55.000 Membership Rewards Punkte – Upgrade von anderen Amex Karten möglich!
Zur Beantragung: Die Platinum Card mit 55.000 Membership Rewards Punkten hier abschließen!
American Express Gold mit 30.000 Membership Rewards Punkten (guter BONUS)
Versicherungspaket – geringere Kosten – 30.000 Membership Rewards Punkte
Zur Beantragung: Die Gold Card mit 30.000 Membership Rewards Punkten hier abschließen!