Viele GHA Discovery Dollars mit einer neuen Promo …

GHA Discovery hat eine nette neue Promo aufgelegt. Für 4 Stays (jeweils 2 Nächte) erhält man 150 Discovery Dollars.
ACHTUNG: Registrierung erforderlich und Buchungen müssen nach dem 02.01.2025 durchgeführt werden!
Die Infos:
„Earn up to 150 DISCOVERY Dollars (D$) when you register by 31 March and complete 4 eligible stays with GHA DISCOVERY brands by 30 June 2025. Get D$25 after your 2nd stay, D$50 more after your 3rd, and D$75 after your 4th, each for a minimum stay of 2 nights.“
Die Bedingungen:
„To participate in the Promotion, members must register for the Promotion and complete a qualified eligible booking within the promotional period (2 January 2025 – 31 March 2025) prior to their stay and complete more than one and up to four eligible stays of two sequential nights or more during the promotional stay period (2 January 2025 – 30 June 2025). The eligible stays must be completed and the member must be checked out on or before 30 June 2025 for the stays to be considered towards the Promotion. Ongoing stays with a checkout date after 30 June 2025 will not be considered towards the Promotion and consequently will not receive the Promotional D$ for that stay under the Promotion.
Members who have registered for the Promotion and complete a qualified eligible booking within the above mentioned promotional period will receive D$25 after a second eligible stay within the promotional stay period, D$50 after a third eligible stay within the promotional stay period and D$75 after a fourth eligible stay within the promotional stay period. No additional promotional D$ will be awarded for any further eligible stay within the promotional stay period.
Bookings and eligible stays made prior to the Registration will not be considered as qualified eligible stays towards the Promotion, even if they are in the promotional stay period.
Bookings made prior to 2 January 2025, will also not be considered towards the Promotion.
Consecutive stays with the same check-in date as the last check-out date at the same property will not receive the Promotional D$.
A qualified eligible stay under the Promotion must be a stay that is not at an *Ineligible Rate (defined below) and which has a minimum length of two nights. Bookings that include multiple rooms will be counted and considered as a single stay and rewarded as if they were a single room booking.
The Promotional D$ issued under the Promotion are awarded in addition to the Base D$ that are issued to the member as a result of completing the eligible stay. The Promotional D$ are subject to a limited expiry term of six (6) months from the date of issuance and are therefore excluded from the Base D$ expiration rules. Any Base D$ earned on a member’s stay will be subject to expiration based on standard tier-based expiration rules.“
Zur Promo Page: New year, new D$ bonus!
Aktueller Kreditkartendeal: Hilton Gold Status und Fast Track mit Kreditkarte
Mit der Hilton Kreditkarte sofort Gold Status! Reduzierte Bedingungen für den Diamond Status (40 Nächte) und 5 Statusnächte pro 5.000 Euro Umsatz. Dazu sammelt man Hilton Honors Punkte über Kreditkartenumsatz. Reise-, Komfortversicherungen, keine Bargeldabhebungsgebühr und keine Auslandseinsatzgebühr weltweit runden das Angebot ab.
Zur Beantragung: Hilton Honors Kreditkarte mit Gold Status und Fast Track zu Diamond
Noch zu erwähnen, dass die Bonus D$ 6 Monate Verfallszeit haben.